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Ability to break out taxes for invoices and reports

New legislation in my region to charge two taxes on construction services.  There is currently no way of showing on the invoice the total amount of dollars is going to each tax.  The only way around this is to create a formula for one of the taxes, this doesn't always work as there are some line items that have no tax, one tax is exempt, or it has both taxes

  • Jeremy Wickenhauser
  • Apr 18 2017
  • Shipped
Company Sterling Plumbing & Heating
Job Title / Role IT
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Paula Bortolussi commented
      May 23, 2017 20:40

      Our list of priority reports to be fixed is as follows:

      JB T&M Invoice Detail (463)

      JB Application For Payment (432)

      SM Invoice List (1190)

      JB Progress Invoice (448)

      JB T&M Invoice By Cont Item With Dates (456)

      JB T&M Invoice By Phase With Dates (460)

      *SM Work Order Quote (1238)  *Unable to confirm if this has tax or not but must be corrected if it does

    • Paula Bortolussi commented
      May 18, 2017 17:45

      Please note that there are 2 separate provinces with this legislation – Saskatchewan (link provided by Andrew) and Manitoba – so both should be considered for requirements. I’ll try to find the link for Manitoba…

    • Paula Bortolussi commented
      May 17, 2017 19:51

      For elaboration, currently with the multi-tax setup (like we need to do now to handle contract items subject to both GST and PST) the system is consolidating the amount across both taxes (the amounts are separated upon posting to the appropriate GL accounts) so that one line on the invoice is sum of amounts for GST-only items (single tax) and the second line on the invoice is sum of amounts for items where GST and PST are applicable (multi-level tax items). That said, the ability to have the amounts for multi-level taxes stored separately* and be able to be segregated on the invoice and JB applications would help resolve this issue.

      *We have custom reports for the JB Progress Invoices and JB Applications that we will need to fix. We do NOT want to have to calculate the individual amounts for multi-level taxes and would like to be able to have the amounts stored to simplify customizing these reports.

      The standard reports that are affected are the JB Progress Invoices and JB Applications.

      Manny – we have at least 6 custom reports that are likely affected – Linda is confirming and will provide a list.

    • Andrew Karr commented
      May 17, 2017 16:26

      Here’s the link


      See attached file for narrative

    • Guest commented
      May 17, 2017 16:18

      This is from

      Are construction contractors required to be licensed?
      Effective April 1, 2017, PST applies to services to real property. Taxable services include construction, alteration, repair, erection, remodeling, improvement, or any other service in relation to real property or a building or other structure on real property, whereby the value or use of the real property is improved. Some maintenance services such as snow clearing and lawn care remain exempt from PST.

      Contractors performing services to real property are required to be licensed as vendors. Contractors are required to collect PST on the total charge to construct, alter, repair, erect, remodel or improve real property. Effective April 1, 2017, these charges, which were previously exempt from PST, become taxable and PST must be shown as a separate line item on the invoice to the customer.
      Contractors building residential or commercial premises for resale must collect PST on the retail selling price of the premises, excluding the value of the land.
      For more information please see PST-12, Services to Real Property.

    • Jeremy Wickenhauser commented
      May 17, 2017 13:48

      This would apply to all external Invoices Job Billing/ AR Invoice / SM Invoice.  

    • Jeremy Wickenhauser commented
      May 17, 2017 13:46

      How do I indicate the PST on my invoices?

      The customer's receipt must show the PST as a separate amount when invoicing a retail sale of taxable goods or services. You may not show a tax-inclusive lump sum on the receipt. Although you may advertise that the tax is included in your prices, the tax must be shown separately on your invoices. Tax applies on the selling price of the item or services excluding the GST.  

      Sask Finance PST Link   - 2/3 the way down the page you will find the above excerpt

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      May 16, 2017 20:00

      Please provide a link or reference to the legislation and we will review the requirements.  

      Which specific invoices and reports are highest priority?

    • Manny Machado commented
      May 16, 2017 15:28

      This is a very important fix - needs to be top priority

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