Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Viewpoint needs to share its bug list with customers

We purposely waited to upgrade to 6.15 until after the first service pack.  I checked the KB articles on 6.15 and the Issues list and didn't see anything of concern.  We upgrade and first day found 4 major bugs in PM.  These were known to Viewpoint before we upgraded yet aren't "customer facing" so we didn't' see it nor could search on it.  We now have no workarounds and must wait 2-3 months until they get fixed, if they do at all (I have some issues that are 1.5 years old).  Viewpoint does not show us the issue until we contact support to be added to it, but that's too late.  

We could have avoided a lot of issues with our users and business processes but waiting to upgrade if we had known about these.  

  • Mercedes Green
  • Dec 12 2017
  • Likely but not yet planned
Company Skygrid
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      March 12, 2020 15:58

      Stay a version behind current., let the others live on the bleeding edge. There is no doubt that the quality of the VP softwarer releases has sufered lately.

    • Mick Whelan commented
      September 11, 2019 21:12

      You never want to jump on a new update no matter how tempting.   Our company uses the general rule of thumb that once a new version has come out, it's probably OK to upgrade to the previous version.  For example, when 6.18 came out, we decided it was OK to upgrade to 6.17.   Someone mentioned waiting until the .3 or .4 patch, but I think  that's waaaay too quick.   When we don't follow the schedule above, we make sure they have released at least the .10 patch level or so.  For example, we are going ahead and updating to 6.18 this weekend.  Vista is currently at 6.18.12.  The only reason were updating so early is so some of our users going to user conference at the end of the month have time to use the new features so they know what people are talking about when they are discussed in the sessions.

    • Darrell Robinson commented
      October 02, 2018 19:45

      As someone else mentioned, we use a test server, and run processes/reports from several modules through the test, before updating the live database.  In fact, we capture the Payroll in mid-process, so we can run that on the new module on the test server.


      We just finished testing 6.16, and will be updating this week from 6.14 - we were testing 6.15, but then 6.16 happened along.  So, we are not a "quick to upgrade" user.

    • Guest commented
      August 15, 2018 20:51

      We have learned from experience to wait until there is a .3 or .4 after the next  "major" upgrade to install it.  But even then we had to roll back to the previous version one time.  I agree with one comment that said they need to upgrade their quality control department when they release an update.

    • Mercedes Green commented
      May 17, 2018 17:51

      Why has this not yet been implemented?  It requires zero development to the product. 6.16 has been released but again and extremely gun shy from why happened with 6.15.  We need ALL known issues and not just ones we've experienced.

    • Guest commented
      January 05, 2018 18:48

      I totally agree with you all on being hesitate on installing updates.  I invested in a test server just for the reason to install on the test first in hopes that I (we) can find issues before we go live.  This has helped I will say but there was that cost!  And still - it's hard to catch everything but at least I (we) are prepared to at least find a work around or adjustment we can do to make things work for us.  Viewpoint should invest more time in testing in how smaller companies are using the software and not just large corps

    • Mercedes Green commented
      January 04, 2018 20:33

      The Track Issues only works if you specifically have been added to the issue (found this out).  An issue could be "known" to support but not listed in the Track Issues, even with set to view All.  Also some are listed in the KB searches, some aren't.  It's difficult to find all of them in one spot. 

    • Christopher Bonnell commented
      December 18, 2017 22:28

      The track issues is all right, but many times we have found that we are either the first one to report the issue or how the issue was worded in track issues is not consistent.

    • Andre Ferreira commented
      December 18, 2017 00:38

      The track issues though doesn't show all issues. It shows certain ones they have made available to view.

    • Serenity Now commented
      December 15, 2017 21:24

      Oh and when using Track Issues, be sure to switch to Yes on the "Include Other Known Issues" option located just at the top right of the table to see all current issues and not just the ones you've opened tickets on.

    • Serenity Now commented
      December 15, 2017 21:22

      Are you using the Track Issues page on the main Clearview Portal? If you hover over the "Tracking" menu item on the main Clearview portal you can choose Track Issues. That will load a table where you can filter the known issues/bugs by version affected and version fixed and find out if you might be affected. I also recommend at least a week before updating unless you're specifically updating to fix a known issue.

      I share your frustration with buggy Vista releases and the Track Issues table has saved our production many times. Also, if you find out you are affected by an issue, open a ticket anyway as that helps give priority to fixing the issue.

    • Christopher Bonnell commented
      December 13, 2017 17:11

      I could not agree more.  It also appears the Viewpoint needs to invest more heavily in its quality assurance before it rolls out and update.  It is almost the point where we are hesitant to update because you have no idea what functionality will be broken with an update.

    • +105

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