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Multiple delivery email addresses for AR Customers or SM Sites

Customers sometimes require delivery for email invoices to go to more than one address. Can Viewpoint add more delivery fields?

  • Veronica Healey
  • Nov 22 2016
  • Shipped
Company Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd.
Job Title / Role Implementation Manager
I need it... 1 month
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    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      March 08, 2023 16:19

      Multiple email addresses can be entered if separated by a semi-colon. This capability has been supported since the 2020 R2 release.

    • Veronica Healey commented
      October 02, 2019 17:30

      please combine with SM-I-545 - they are the same

    • Cristy Thomas commented
      August 23, 2019 17:46

      did an update change it so now only one email address is allowed?

    • Kim Stanford commented
      August 30, 2018 21:24

      Agreed this is very much needed.  Expanding the field to allow more email addresses would be one way to do it.  Also,  we need a way to choose print, email or Print AND Email.  We have many customers that require this and without an auto setup we have to keep a separate spreadsheet and check it every time we send out an invoice.  Having this all in one place would save lots of time and money.  

    • Beth Paget commented
      March 23, 2018 18:57

      This field is limited to 60 characters, depending on the email address length you might only be able to have 1.  Need to expand the character limit of this field to at least twice this size, if not three times.  We have customers who want invoices emailed to (3) different addresses.  

    • Carol Gauthreaux commented
      February 22, 2018 20:55

      This request is being posed again on Feb. 22, 2018. I have several customers that don't understand why we're limited in the number of email addresses I can send their invoices to. PLEASE expand this. It can't possible be a big problem to fix. Can it?  :-)

    • Guest commented
      March 23, 2017 17:23

      Will this also work in the SM Customer record?

    • Guest commented
      December 22, 2016 20:36

      You can send to multiple email addresses.  Use a semi-colon between addresses just like you would in Outlook.  However, it will only hold 2 to 3 depending on the length.  The email fields need to be expanded  to accommodate this.

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