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Make your software calculate benefits correctly

Government agencies don't care that you calculate benefits on each timecard line.  They care that when it is all said and done the total hours worked times the benefit rate equals the benefit paid.  Your software doesn't do that.  We are always underreporting benefits due to rounding that occurs because you calculate it at the line level.


Stop it.  You are making a very expensive accounting system for large corporations.  Do things right.

  • Scott Ritz
  • Jul 10 2019
Company Comanche Construction, Inc.
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Scott Ritz commented
    July 11, 2019 01:29



    i wish that that were true, but it is not. Your own support people told me yesterday that it does not work like you describe, and gave me your email address to complain to to get you to change it. 


    Very simply, one example is Health & Welfare. It is $5.55 per hour. On an 8 hour day an employee could work on 4 or more phase codes. Those are all entered separately. Your system calculates each one for each line and rounds as it sees fit. At the end of the week the total for the benefit does not equal total hours x $5.55. 


    For or more information consult support case 1687969 where I was informed that what you are describing is not possible and too bad for me. Barb Canady told me by telephone that there was no way to get the benefit to compute correctly. 

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    July 11, 2019 00:29

    Can you identify a specific benefit and how it is setup? Depending on a liability's calculation method - in your case I presume 'rate per hour', Payroll Processing totals the hours posted across all earnings subject to that liability as its basis for calculating the liability amount. It then checks limits and calculation overrides before determining a final result. This result is then proportionately distributed back to the timecards subject to that liability based on posted hours - any rounding difference is added to the last subject timecard to true-up the distributed and calculated amounts.

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