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"Do not pay" function

It would be really useful if a "Do Not Pay" function existed in Vista. For example, if an invoice is rejected, instead of deleting the invoice from Vista, we could mark it as "Do Not Pay" and make a note of why the invoice was rejected instead so we have a record and an attachment of the invoice in our system in case we need to review them later in the future or check them on vendor statements.


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  • Jul 23 2019
  • In Review
Company Lloyd Companies
Job Title / Role Accounting
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Vinayak Kartha commented
      May 29, 2024 14:34


      We have created a customization for a client of ours that keeps track of all deleted invoices when they get rejected, even though they are removed from Vista. These invoices that are rejected will reside in a custom table, along with any attachments so that you have these records in your system, along with the rejection notes. This way, they can be reviewed later on vendor statements. Please feel free to reach out for any additional information if this is of interest.



      Data & Analytics Manager at Olsen Consulting

    • Laura McGillicuddy commented
      April 13, 2022 13:01

      volume info... 2021 = 43,255 AP invoices processed currently APUI contains almost 2,000 invoices - 400 of which are 2022

    • Laura McGillicuddy commented
      April 13, 2022 12:53

      Not sure what kind of volume you have, but we are talking about thousands of invoices for us... we want to keep the rejection info from the APUI rejection - vs. manually writing this up - it is just not feasible with our volume. If you change the line item, you lose the Approver/Rejection info.

    • Barb Schaefer commented
      April 12, 2022 13:06

      We change the amount of the invoice to $0 and post it with notes. If the vendor tries to resubmit an invoice it flags as DUPLICATE and if we need to see what happened, all the notes and correspondence is attached without paying out.

    • Laura McGillicuddy commented
      February 02, 2022 15:13

      really need this! We have years worth of invoices sitting in AP Unapproved and it stops us from being able to close jobs, etc. BUT we really need the history, the invoice number for duplicate validation and notes on rejections. We have not come up with a way to book these at $0 and keep necessary info.

    • Scott Luman commented
      January 04, 2022 14:02

      If you are not going to pay it, tell the vendor to issue a credit memo, in APUI, then approve both and apply them to each other. Otherwise, make up a credit memo and apply it to the open invoice. This sounds more like you can change the process and keep your APUI clean and have the APRef in history to avoid duplication.

    • Laura McGillicuddy commented
      June 29, 2020 14:53

      BTW - totally agree a HOLD code is not adequate and leaving years worth of AP invoices in APUI is just BAD PRACTICE.

    • Laura McGillicuddy commented
      June 29, 2020 14:51

      This is a huge issue for us too. We have APUI records back in to 2013 because we do not want to lose the record of the invoice AP Ref so the system can see it is already in the system, but we are NEVER going to pay it. It is not unusual to have multi-year jobs where this history with your sub is needed!

    • Scott Luman commented
      October 30, 2019 11:38

      An entry has to be made to correct PO, JC and GL.  Enter a credit memo, put a note on it and clear it with existing functionality.  Or create a stored procedure that does that for you, reversing the dollars of course.  There is also the timing difference, if the PM marks it as DNP after the month is closed, the entry will be 'floating', with no AP detail to match.

    • Jaclyn Byelick commented
      October 17, 2019 14:49

      Putting the invoice on hold still applies cost to the project/job number. This is unnecessary. A DNP function would be great, or if the rejected invoice could remain rejected and not need to be deleted from the system with no record of its rejection.

    • Jamie Turner commented
      October 15, 2019 12:59

      This would be very helpful. Right now, we enter "rejected" invoices (that will never be paid) as $0 with notes on why we're not paying it. Even though we have explained this process to our Ops team, they still get confused and are afraid we're going to pay it anyway. By adding the DNP function would help when statements are being reviewed by others not close to the invoice to see that it has been reviewed, but we are not paying it (as well as seeing the reasons). Plus, gives Ops the added confidence the invoice will not be paid.

    • Admin
      Greg Sikes commented
      September 09, 2019 21:10

      Even though you can do this today as described above using hold codes, we understand the additional work involved and will evaluate ways to improve workflow.

    • Guest commented
      August 20, 2019 16:57

      In this case the invoices will never be paid, they're not just put on hold for future payment. We have multiple companies, so sometimes it would be nice to have that note in the system that the invoice was sent to another company for payment (and have the system alert you that the invoice is already in there, but under DNP). There's other situations that would be nice to have this for as well of course.

    • Guest commented
      August 06, 2019 17:57

      You're describing putting an invoice "On hold".  When you have an invoice in your AP payment workfile that should not be paid, click "Tasks" then "Additional Pay Control Functions" then select your "Hold Code" and update.  Invoice will not be paid until you remove the hold.

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