Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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On each of the earnings codes of RT, OT, DT update to include an area to add a flat (non-factored amount) for PW use. This would allow the the means to use Vista's payroll PW setup the way it was intended. Without it the only other workaround is to use the Shift area for RT, OT & DT. Using the system in this manner breaks much of the functionality, including reports. Certified payroll is costing 3-4 times the labor time a company normally takes to complete it.

The core of the Vista PW system revolves around using the Shifts as designated, for Day, Swing, Graveyard per se. Without using the shifts 1, 2, 3 to designate RT, OT, & DT, subsequent processes are broken including the ability to get pertinent detailed data out of an ERP program. The update will allow PW users with liability and earnings not calculated on a factored per hour basis to incorporate flat amounts into the calculation for meeting PW and to back into any other Cash Fringe set up needed. Payroll processes will become more consistant with less work arounds, employees will save on manual process work arounds for inputting timesheets, providing certified payroll data, providing other detailed data in an uniform way which aligns with reports already provided with the program. It will save our company a minimum of 10 or more hours every week on certified payroll because each empoyee will not have to be manually edited in the certified payroll export files for OT and DT. 

Simply said, It should be done by allowing a flat amount non-factored adjustment  to any, to all or any combination of  RT, OT, & DT hourly earning codes. One or up to all three flat adjustment amounts would be added individually to PR Craft/Class add-on earnings area. And it should be allowed at the Capped Basis also, therefore allowing the ability to set up another cash paid fringe if needed. Which we also have a need for since we have two different health plans with two different costs offered to our trades people.

We really do need this as soon as possible. Our management of certified payroll needs to significantly get better and this one issue is the root cause (not being able to use shifts as designated). I could be very wrong but it looks like it is a relatively easy re-program in the manner briefly described above. I've attached a sample of our excel PW schedule to help with the understanding of what is needed. 


  • Guest
  • May 18 2017
Company Anderson Pacific Engr Constr
Job Title / Role Finance Director
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest commented
      May 18, 2017 20:40

      Here is the missing attachment

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