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AR Cash Receipt Grid

Please add filter bar capabilities to the grid in AR Cash Receipts. This will make it much easier to locate items to apply payments against when there is a large list.

  • Brian Mangan
  • Dec 7 2017
  • Likely but not yet planned
Company Dave Jones Inc.
Job Title / Role IT Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Laura Billson commented
      May 09, 2024 15:50

      Adding this filter bar to would save our AR team a lot of time. We would appreciate this feature being added.

    • Shannon Bourdelais commented
      September 22, 2021 18:33

      I agree with other posters. This is very time consuming to scroll through a massive list. We also NEVER use the initialization pop up that comes up either. Our invoices need to be applied to specific invoices and it is hard to find them when there is a large customer with many invoices to apply to. The filter bar would enable us to find an invoice quickly, apply that amount and then filter to the next invoice until the check amount is applied correctly.

    • Natalie Chang commented
      May 24, 2019 00:04

      We also DO NOT USE initialization of cash receipts.  One customer of ours could have 100's of invoice on their account and currently we have to scroll through a massive list in order to find the appropriate invoices and apply payment.  Very time consuming.

      I like the idea of *apply to a specific invoice, however, only if it will allow multiple uses without resetting the entire cash receipt like it currently does if the initialization is being used.

      All of the other modules and forms have a filter bar.  I don't understand why there isn't one here.

    • Guest commented
      April 22, 2019 16:58

      We never have Vista apply payments in AR Cash Receipts. I would be surprised if you had a significant % of users that did have Vista apply. In fact, the pop up is a time waster.

      If you can’t do a filter, add another option to the pop up which is “apply to a specific invoice” and the user would be able to enter the invoice number in a field in the pop up and that is the only invoice that Vista returns. You could also have a lookup for that field.

      Susan J. Milner | Corporate Controller | Eldeco, Inc.
      Phone: 864-312-9896| Fax: 864-277-8464
      Corporate Office | 5751 Augusta Road, Greenville, SC 29605 [cid:image001.gif@01D21B4E.75FB7AE0]
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    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      April 22, 2019 16:45

      Lack of progress on this is largely due to concerns regarding the initialization of a cash receipts (e.g. applied to oldest, by invoice # or on account). Applying a filter that excludes invoices after an applied amount had been established.would cause problems - how would you see this working? (i.e. filter available only if amounts from the receipt have not been applied?) 

    • Natalie Chang commented
      April 22, 2019 13:33

      Hello - could we kindly get an update on the status of "in review" since Dec 2017.

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