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The PR Direct Deposit Print and AP Check print and attachment process have no way of recovering from network interruptions and client timeouts

The Vista direct deposit print attachment process can be easily disrupted if the client connection times out or there is a network disruption between the workstation or terminal server from which the user is running the direct deposit print. In addition if the direct deposit print attachment process is disrupted there is no way for the client to recover from the connection failure. So payroll users are sometimes left with only a partial batches of direct deposit slips attached.

There is no status information telling the payroll user how many paystub were attached to PR Employee Pay Seq Control after the attachment process is complete or fails. Sometimes the payroll users aren't even aware that their paystub attachments did not fully complete during the direct deposit print. So sometime payroll users will send out Paystub notify, not realizing that some of their employees don't have paystubs attached to the notifier being sent, which in turn causes a lot of rework for the payroll user to generate an attachment and resend the paystubs.

When the direct deposit print attachment process fails, users are forced to run the direct deposit print over again to create the attachments.

I'm creating this issue to address 2 structural issues with the Direct Deposit Print process:

1. During the direct deposit print process, attachments are created client side and then sent via the client connection to the Vista server side services for attaching. If the client connection times out or is disrupted in the middle of a direct deposit print, there is no way to recover from the failure so the attachment process is disrupted. When the attachment process is only partially complete, this can cause a significant productivity loss as they have to determine which users in PR Employee Pay Seq Control don't have paystubs or they are forced to re-run the direct deposit print all over again to make sure that all ETF users have a paystub associated with their record. Making the actual attachment generation was handled server side, the direct deposit print process may make the paystub generation a little more resilient, avoiding this problem.

2. Our software has no status notification of how many attachments were successfully created and attached during the direct deposit print process. For verification purposes, there should be some information provided to the end user to confirm the number of paystubs created and attached to PR Employee Pay Seq Control. For our large customers that process a large number of employees information on what paystubs are attached during the print the payroll process would be vary valuable.
  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2018
Company Summit Materials
Job Title / Role VP of IT
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Andrew Karr commented
      October 05, 2018 16:32

      The key to making sure this is working correctly is to generate and save the EFT file first before sending out the notification (must be something to attach to the email before sending).  You can do this visually by making sure the paperclip icon has a paper attached to it.

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