Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Change the Vista JC Detail Report back to the way it was.

I would like to bring back the beginning to ending options for jobs, phases and cost types.  I do not want the info page included in the report.  Improvements could be the ability to name the Cost Types to include, not just a beginning to end and you could put a box to include the info page if wanted.  The default would be to not have it included.  This is one of the most used reports I have and you made it worse.  Lets improve it to make up for it.  I hope somebody is listening.  I think I have been using this report for 29 years.

  • Guest
  • Apr 8 2019
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    • Bridgette Whinery commented
      February 05, 2020 18:24

      Please put the dates back on each page as noted by another Guest comment.  Thank you.

    • Anna Canterini commented
      October 07, 2019 13:41

      Put the report details back to the top of each page and get rid of the info sheet at the beginning of the report.  The top sheet can get separated from the report, then you don't know the details, like date range.

    • Mick Whelan commented
      September 11, 2019 19:52

      Darrell - you will see the new changes when you update to 6.18.   

      To the OP, there is an option to leave off the Cover Page.   It's at the very bottom of the parameters page.   

      To everyone else, make sure you know how to use the new selection box before you complain too much.  Shift clicking allows you to select a range while CTRL clicking allows you to select individual, non-contiguous projects.  I agree though, if you just want a big long range of projects, the new interface is lacking and more time consuming to use.

    • Guest commented
      August 07, 2019 12:35

      The new job filter function is entirely cumbersome and time consuming to use. the beginning and end for job, phase and cost type needs to be returned for more efficient processes!

    • Darrell Robinson commented
      April 11, 2019 14:54

      Hi, curious where you are seeing a different report and what version you are on?  We are on 6.16.15 and the JC Detail report is the same it has always been.

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