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Don't allow or provide warning if PO Receipt is in a month after the associated AP Invoice

We have an issue which happens frequently and throws off the balancing of our books. Sequence of events: 1. We order items from a vendor and a PO is entered, for example towards the end of a month (for this example, say July). 2. The goods are received early in the next month (say August). 3. The invoice is dated the previous month (July), when the order was made. We enter the invoice in AP with the date on the invoice, since that is the vendor's date. By the time the invoice arrives, the goods have already been received but they were received in the current month (August). The AP staff is not warned or made aware of this discrepancy. 4. When we attempt to balance the books to close July, AP is out of balance because of the balance in received not vouchered. 5. The official AP report, which is used for auditing purposes (including external), is out of balance. When we were attempting to close our fiscal year end (May) our balance was off by over $400,000 because of this issue. 

Suggestion: provide a setting that would not allow this to happen, or at least provide a warning message when AP is entering the invoice. It seems to us like you should not be able to process an invoice in a period prior to the receipt, or receive goods in a period after the invoice. This especially happens for us on FOB orders, where the items may be on a truck for one or two weeks. The folks receiving them are just entering the date they arrive, and they may not be aware of the date of the invoice.

  • Elin Larson
  • Oct 16 2019
Company Chrisp Company
Job Title / Role Business Intelligence Analyst
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
  • Ryan Anderson commented
    December 22, 2021 22:33

    I'm working on our year end close, and this has created a huge headache. I have discovered over $100k of purchase orders that were not properly accrued in the correct month because the receiver was entered in a batch month subsequent to the AP invoice, causing the cost on the jobs to fall into the wrong fiscal period. I tested this, and there is no warning in AP when a PO is attached to an invoice where the invoice month is earlier than the receiver month. HUGE HEADACHE!

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