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Add CM reference # to the filter option in the new AP Void Payments Workflow.

As an AP user wanting to void a single payment, I want the ability to filter on CM Account and CM Reference to quickly find the one payment I am searching for. The UI changes introduced with 2022R1 allow me to easily void multiple payments (which is great), but require me to search through what can be a lengthy list when I need to void only one payment.

Recommend adding a filter for CM Ref# (Ref Seq not needed) - to be used with other filter values to limit the eligible payments returned to the grid for user selection. Default should be null to include all references

  • Sue Renfro
  • May 18 2022
  • Shipped
Company Colorado Structures, Inc.
Job Title / Role Controller
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    • Jaynie DeCicco commented
      September 09, 2022 14:34

      How is everyone finding the Batch number? I don't cut all our AP checks. You'd think that that information would have been added to the AP Vendor Payment History Drilldown report or some other report I haven't found yet so we could find that information without me having to comb GL Trial Balance Detail report to find it. This is irritating.

    • Jane Cocos commented
      August 22, 2022 20:35

      While I like the idea of being able to void an entire batch, most of the time we are only needing to void a single check due to it being lost or damaged. Not being able to enter a CM Ref# or be able to refine the filtering to more than just the batch has overcomplicated this process.

    • Guest commented
      August 15, 2022 19:00

      this change is not beneficial for voiding a check to me, if you had a batch to void it might be different. This creates too many unnecessary steps to void a check.

    • Melanie Jenkins commented
      August 15, 2022 18:50

      Please fix the filter on AP Void Payments (& adding back the field for CM Ref# as an option of the void criteria--not the batch #). This is really something that should not have to be requested, as it should work properly. It now takes longer to do a simple task of voiding a single check (every second counts). Our team would appreciate the attention given to this.

    • THERESA RUBY commented
      June 20, 2022 13:06

      Agree - process is too complicated if you want to void just one check that was lost in the mail. Please add this ASAP. My team would appreciate it!

    • Brittany Johnson commented
      June 15, 2022 17:00

      Agree with current comments. Voiding a single check is now very time consuming to find the batch that contained that one item. Please add this feature ASAP!!

    • Guest commented
      June 03, 2022 18:02

      The only time this is helpful is if you need to void a complete batch. If you only need to void one check you have to search for the batch number. Very time consuming.

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    We at Viewpoint sincerely thank you for your contribution to Suggestion Box on how we can improve Viewpoint products. While we can’t do everything at once, we rely upon your feedback to help guide the prioritization of our product improvements, and Suggestion Box is a critical tool for us to understand and prioritize our customers’ needs. Viewpoint reviews Suggestion Box regularly for all of our products and updates statuses, adds comments, and performs various house-keeping (including deleting) as needed to ensure that Suggestion Box is maintained as a productive environment for product enhancements requests.

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