So many instances that we need to find out who last updated a record and if the table is not audited we have no means of tracking it.
Company | Bird Construction Inc |
Job Title / Role | Senior Business Analyst |
I need it... | Yesterday...Come on already |
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Just ran into a big issue where AP Hold & Release was (accidentally) used to ADD a hold code to all invoices. I was unable to find an audit report that showed what was added, so I submitted a support ticket to figure out what I was missing. Turns out there is NOT a way to see this in an audit report?? How is this still not planned since being around for almost a decade??
Last updated field would be super-useful in PR Deductions / Liabilities, especially for those that are not updated annually.
We also need this, Our auditors are constantly asking for this information. We use a user-defined field to currently tract this in payroll. We need a way for invoices, and we use the processing group field to assign our billing clerks to a job. It would be great to have this added as a selling feature of the software. Andrew Karr has the correct idea in his post! This is a similar idea to the one about who is posting notes in the system, although this idea is a much more complete solution.
Agreed to the need for this. With the size of our database, having these fields would allow for incremental refreshes into an offline reporting system (ODS or DW) with minimal impact to transactional processing. Some tables have other date fields that can be used (AP, AR, & Payroll tranaction dates) but others do not (e.g. Job Cost Detail). In our case, some of these tables the warrnat these fields are getting to the 20 million row level.
This is necessary for internal audit, external audit, security, other controls, and reporting!! Having to use the HQ Audit table as the 'master' table and then go search for additional data to see the whole picture is very time consuming. Additionally, finding out when a record was "inserted" is also hindered by the table's key field only appearing in a string of information in the audit table. In the mean time it would be helpful to add a column to the HQAuditDetail table with the key field only, so it is quicker and easier to find adds/changes to a particular vendor number, employee number, SL record, etc. If we are trying to find who created/updated a record and we have to already know the table name, the key field should also be known.
This would be huge for reporting also, would make it so much easier.
Thank you for the details - they are appreciated. Based on this detail, I've moved this to the "nice" list and we'll see when we can fit it in.
I agree that Master tables will be good place to start especially Company Parameters (PR, HQ, AP,AR, JC, JB, HR , CM, EM, GL, PO, SM, PM) . Also PR/HR Employees, AP Transactions, AR Customers, AR Invoices, Job Master, AP Vendors, CM Accounts, PR Group Master, PM Projects, SM Work Orders and SM Invoices would be great to have first.
Hi Eric,
I guess the first ones will be PR/HR Employees, AP Vendor Master, AR Customers, PM Projects, PM Contracts, JC Jobs Master, JC Contracts, AP Invoices, PO Purchase Orders, JB Billing, PR Timecards. This will be a good starting point but ideally all tables as soon as possible.
Jas Coetsee
Project Manager | Kawana
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This would be in the area of the Master Audit tables. I would recommend pinging the voters to get their ideas. Putting myself in a customers shoes, I would say PR Employees, PR Timecards, AP Vendors, AP Transactions, JC Job, JC Contract, MS Tickets, JB Progress Entry, GL Journal Entries, HQ Materials, etc...
Great idea, but a significant amount of work. It may be implemented in specific areas before others, rather than all at once. Is there a specific set of record types that are most desired for this capability?