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Globally affect order of columns in grids.

Grid columns can be arranged for a logged in user but there should be functionality to modify column order globally, particularly when adding UD fields which initially land at the far right end of the grid.  Example:  Subcontractors tab in the PM Daily Logs form.

  • Guest
  • May 1 2017
  • In Review
Company Sachse Construction
Job Title / Role Vista Implementation Team
I need it... 12 months
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  • Travis Hatch commented
    January 11, 2022 19:04

    I have successfully worked around the pesky Stored Procedure dbo.vspFieldGridOrderReset Updating dbo.vDDFIc GridCol = Seq where FieldType = 4.

    This was accomplished by setting dbo.vDDFIc.FieldType = 0 and then setting dbo.vDDFIc.GridCol = the order we want fields to show up by default

    I made a backup of dbo.vDDFIc and saved the SQL statement I used to update dbo.vDDFIc, just in case and for documentation sake.

    We have been running this on 2021 R2.04 for a couple weeks now on 7 fields, to test before wide rollout. My plan is to roll this out to all grid fields for our main forms throughout this week

    FieldType=1: Notes Field

    FieldType=2: Key Field

    FieldType=4: Custom Field

  • Travis Hatch commented
    December 09, 2021 20:29

    I propose instead of copying a column order to each end user, we instead allow an admin user to copy their column order to the default grid order, stored in dbo.vDDFIc.GridCol

    This requires:

    1. Change dbo.vspFieldGridOrderReset

      1. The SP that is executed when any user presses the reset column order Btn in the vista client/frontend

    2. It would be great if then vista had a form/process to "apply current user grid column order as default" on a per form (and include or exclude all linked forms/tabs)

      1. however this is just to make this feature easier for vista clients not comfertable with SQL

    Benefits of this approch

    1. Allows Vista Customers to customize the default column order

    2. Allows End Users to still cutomize their column order, and reseting the column order resets it to the correct/customized default.

    3. Allows Admin Users to customize the default and it apply in real time to all users who have not customized their UI

      1. This is important for EX. adding a udField, and needing to change the default column order for all users, without overriding & deleting power users custom column order.

      2. If you need to enforce a 100% no customization policy, you could probably add a trigger to dbo.vDDUI that rolls back all inserts and updates. Then delete all user customizations/rows from this table

    The fallowing SQL allows us to modify/save the standard grid column in dbo.vDDFIc.GridCol. This is the default grid column order that the Vista Client software defaults to if the user has not set a custom grid column order for that form.

    This was working as of R2.01, however:

    • It is not recommended to modify a vista standard Stored Procedure as all modifications will be wipped out every time you update vista.

    • To my knoledge, modifications to vista standard Stored Procedures are not covered under the warrenty/support policy.

    • Modifications that vista is unaware of may break or cause unknown side effects that are hard to track down.

    USE [Viewpoint]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[vspFieldGridOrderReset] Script Date: 12/9/2021 12:38:27 PM ******/





    /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.bspHQCompanyVal Script Date: 8/28/99 9:34:49 AM ******/

    ALTER proc [dbo].[vspFieldGridOrderReset]


    * Created: kb 09/02/03

    * Modified: TJH allow vDDFIc gridCol Customization AKA custom Standard Column Orders


    * Called from FieldProperty form to update properties to vDDFIc, vDDUI


    * Input:

    * no inputs

    * Output:

    * @msg - errmsg if one is encountered

    * Return code:

    * 0 = success, 1 = failure



    (@form varchar(30), @username varchar(128), @msg varchar(255) output)


    set nocount on

    declare @rcode int

    select @rcode = 0

    update vDDUI set GridCol = null

    from vDDUI u

    where u.Form = @form and u.VPUserName = @username

    /* Commenting this out would allow us to set a custom order to dbo.vDDFIc.GridCol, which is the Grid Column Order used if the users has not overridden/customized that form. AKA dbo.vDDFIc.GridCol is the DEFAULT Column Order

    update vDDFIc set GridCol = Seq from vDDFIc

    where Form = @form and FieldType =4



    return @rcode

  • Guest commented
    August 30, 2019 22:58

    This would be very helpful in the onboarding process of new hires. 

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    August 08, 2019 15:50

    VP, any chance this will be implemented somewhat soon? 


    CREATE procedure [dbo].[uspDDUICopyToAllUsers]
    (@Form varchar(50), @VPUserName varchar(100))

    declare @rcode int, @msg varchar(max)
    select @rcode = 0, @msg = ''

    -- Delete other users of this form in the vDDUI table
    Delete from vDDUI where Form=@Form and VPUserName<>@VPUserName

    -- Create a table with the new users
    Select i.*, u.VPUserName uVPUserName into #source
    from vDDUI i with(nolock)
    join vDDUP u with(nolock) on u.VPUserName <> i.VPUserName
    where i.Form=@Form and i.VPUserName=@VPUserName
    if @@rowcount = 0
    select @msg = concat(' -- Form "',@Form,'" for User "',@VPUserName,'" does not have a custom form layout.'), @rcode = 1
    goto sperror

    UPDATE #source SET VPUserName=uVPUserName
    ALTER TABLE #source DROP Column uVPUserName

    -- insert the new data into vDDUI

    -- Drop the temp table!
    Drop Table #source

    return @rcode

    RAISERROR(@msg, 11, 1)
    return @rcode
  • Eric Elfner commented
    July 07, 2017 13:35

    Hi Andre,
    I can't really share it because it's a procedure Viewpoint's services group created, uploaded and then attached to our implementation.  Even if I knew where to find it, I'm sure I agreed in the contract that it is their intellectual property and I can't share it or sell it.  But I would think it would be something they could re-create for you at a reasonable price because it's basically already done.  
    But I also see this idea is in review, so maybe they will roll it out for everyone.  It's been really helpful to tailor the Viewpoint grids to follow our workflow.  Thanks,


  • Andre Ferreira commented
    June 02, 2017 07:49

    Eric, I know this is a lot to ask, but would you mind sharing that?

  • Eric Elfner commented
    May 01, 2017 23:08

    I have suggested this too.  We had them write a procedure called 'Copy Preferences and Setup' that copies grid column order and a few other things from one user to another.  We have one user who keeps our master column order to follow our workflow, and then we copy her setup to new users.  So really this is done, they just need to roll it into the base product!

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