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In the Payroll Drilldown Employee Pay Sequence Detail add the work order number

The Job/Phase already shows up but the work order information does not. It would be extremely helpful if it were there

  • Guest
  • Oct 5 2017
  • Shipped
Company Central Consolidated, Inc.
Job Title / Role Accounting Specialist (PR/AP)
I need it... 6 months
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    • Guest commented
      June 23, 2021 19:41

      Who requested this change? Do you have a ticket #?

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      March 06, 2019 22:30

      Apologies for getting ahead of myself - turns out I had a 6.18 version of the PR Drilldown, which does include SM info from the timecard.  It displays at the detail (i.e. timecard) level in the report.

      Vista 6.18 is currently in beta testing - general release targeted for the end of March.

    • Seth Belt commented
      March 04, 2019 22:33

      Gary - where on the PR Drilldown should we be able to see the work order info? On Connie's attachment to the original message (which is report #798) the details for the pay sequence do not show any SM work order info, only job info. We are on one of the latest versions of Vista. Can you tell us what fields to expand to drill into the record to see work orders?

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      March 04, 2019 22:27

      The PR Drilldown report (#798) already lists SM Co#, WO and WO Scope as well as JC Co#, Job and Phase when you have drilled down to the timecard level.

      Are you referencing a different report?  Please specify the report ID# to eliminate any confusion.

    • Seth Belt commented
      October 05, 2017 19:40

      Really, anywhere that lists Job information but could just as well be the EM WO or SM WO number should be included on this suggestion - I'm sure several payroll reports could be affected by this and would make it easier to help managers see where time has been posted without having to always circle back to the timecard entry report.

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