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Payments from CM account for payroll and AP should be determined at time of cutting checks, not when inputting timecards or inputting invoices.

Is there a logical reason that the bank account you are using to pay an invoice or pay an employee is determined at the time you enter the time or the invoice?  I believe the payment process should be different than the invoice entry process and should not be linked to it.

We are in the process of changing banks and anything that was entered through unapproved invoice entry, invoice entry or timecard entry can't easily be changed to select a new CM account when the actual payment is being made.  At least for invoices, it isn't too difficult to change but you shouldn't have to make changes to individual transactions when making the payment.

Whether we were changing banks or not really isn't the issue.  I believe when you go to make payments on invoices or for payroll is the time that you should be selecting what account the payment is coming from.  We have invoices that are entered and not paid for 45 days or more and the CM Account is determined when the invoice is entered? Why?  Seems like very strange programming to me.

  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2017
  • Already exists
Company KE&G Construction
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      December 07, 2017 19:29

      AP and PR are similar. but not identical in their CM Account setup.  In AP, assigning CM Accounts is optional, up until the time you want to make a payment.  In PR, a CM Account is required in PR Group Master and defaults when printing checks, but can be overridden for an individual check run.  PR EFTs do not offer the same run-time override, an inconsistency that could be addressed in a future release.  Hope this helps.

    • Guest commented
      December 07, 2017 18:46

      Gary, I contacted support and they told me I should post the above suggestion because it didn't make sense to them that I couldn't change it easily.  They didn't mention that I could remove the CM Account from the setup.  So if I understand you correctly, what you are saying is that if I remove the CM Account from Payroll Groups, then I will assign the CM account at time of cutting checks and the timecard entry will have no bearing on what account will be used?  Same with AP?  Thanks.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      December 07, 2017 17:44

      The ability to assign bank accounts at time of payment is already supported.  The hierarchy for assigning bank accounts in AP starts with AP Company, then Vendor followed by invoice transaction.  The bank account (CM Account) is optional at each of these levels and if left blank will allow you to override/assign the account you wish to when making payment.  Payroll works in a similar manner - defaults differ, but you can override the CM Account when printing employee pay checks.  If the user documentation is unclear or misunderstood, contact Support and can help you sort this out.

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