Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Merged Suggestions

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit VSTA-I-2083 Menu Item Icon changes 2020.

Default back to original "blue" icons for Programs and "orange" icons for Reports Merged

The update Vista 2020 R1 removed the color from the icons preceding the Programs and Reports. It was very easy prior to the update to identify the Programs because they were noted with a "blue" icon preceding the Program name and the Reports were preceded with an "orange" icon identifying them as such. The new update has changed all icons to black and white.

  • Maureen Grell
  • Oct 9 2020
  • In Review
Company CR Meyer
Job Title / Role Corporate Trainer
I need it... 1 month
  • DAGMAR REILLY commented
    December 23, 2020 16:42

    Agree - the black / white is awful .. the X was better than the trash can. Can you please update back to the icons used previously and add back in the colors? plus - the FONT is equally not well liked. Why mess with things that were good?

  • Guest commented
    December 22, 2020 16:36

    The black and white is awful!

  • Guest commented
    November 25, 2020 08:53

    We are getting a lot of our staff complaining about the icons and colours since upgrading to 2020R1.

    People were used to how the icons looked and even simple things like the delete button not been red any more

  • Guest commented
    November 05, 2020 19:00

    I agree, it's hard to use now. Easy to mix up since they are now hard to distinguish. I also think it makes the whole program look mismatched and outdated. It reminds me of the icons on the computers we used in kindergarden in 1991...

  • Kevin Fores commented
    October 28, 2020 19:26

    Not sure of the purpose of the new look, but all black and white makes it difficult to use.

  • Tyler Chapman commented
    October 15, 2020 19:02

    I know several of our users have commented on colors as well. They would like the toolbar to have some color, like the trash can be RED or CUT stand out so it lets them know this ICON can be serious if clicked instead of blending in with all icons.

  • Guest commented
    October 12, 2020 11:38

    Please change back to the original blue and orange icons.

  • +6

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