Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Benefits: Additional Beneficiaries

We would like to have more than the Primary and Secondary Beneficiaries.  As in an existing request, it would also be beneficial to have a percentage associated with each entry.

  • Jeff Cole
  • Aug 7 2019
Company The Christman Company
Job Title / Role Technologies Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      June 27, 2023 17:05

      Yes please! We see up to 3 Primary beneficiaries being used. This would be a great enhancement to see added.

    • Guest commented
      December 07, 2021 15:21

      This would be a great addition since many employees have 1-2 Primary Beneficiaries, and numerous Secondary Beneficiaries due to splitting between children. It would also be nice if employee's could add percentage next to each beneficiary.

    • Guest commented
      August 10, 2021 20:40

      It would be nice if when an associate is adding life insurance, that they cant get past adding the insurance until they name a beneficiary and the percentages for those beneficiaries.

    • Paul West commented
      February 22, 2021 11:55

      Additional ud fields can be added to capture the information if users of the Benefits Portal want to add more fields.

    • Admin
      Mark Cadman commented
      February 19, 2021 23:30

      Hi Team,

      Since HR Management for Vista uses the fields in Vista to save the Beneficiary information to, we will need these to be available in Vista. I'll talk to our team about this in our next Vista product meeting.


    • Paul West commented
      February 17, 2021 15:48

      Can we get an update on this and when it might be available?

    • Melissa Mahurin commented
      February 03, 2021 20:13

      To add another level of complexity to this...we started offering voluntary supplemental life this year. So employees can now elect life insurance on a dependent and each dependent election would have a primary and secondary beneficiary.

      Because the carriers rely on us to maintain official record of beneficiaries, we need the ability to capture beneficiaries for dependents during benefits enrollment.

    • Guest commented
      January 07, 2021 20:20

      We have numerous employees who want to name 2 primary beneficiaries and have a split % field, or same for secondary (multiple children). This is a very common thing to have available in systems and would be great to have this added in here.

    • Elizabeth Lopez commented
      September 15, 2020 20:28

      Next month will be our third year dealing with limited beneficiary fields and zero percent distribution fields.

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