Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Have the ability to save filters on grids

I look at the job master several times a day.  I always want to look at open jobs so every time I open this grid I have to set the filter again.  Same with active employees, vendors, service sites, etc.  Every time I open the particular grid I always end up adding the same filter.  It would be helpful if the filters stayed with the grid until they are changed.

  • Christine Kettelkamp
  • Aug 30 2016
  • In Review
Company Jenco, Inc.
Job Title / Role CFO
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    • Eric Vasbinder commented
      July 26, 2019 23:03

      @Nathan: I get the message. We will need to research if this is even possible with our grid control as it exists today. In addition, we are working on a number of other items, such as Office 2019/x64 support, time zone awareness (e.g. UTC for processing), etc. that take higher priority. That said, I "unlinked" this from the VP Search feature and marked it as an item to look into. We are also investing more time and effort into APIs, but I cannot comment about specifics.

    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      July 26, 2019 22:50

      Ok, so ���Viewpoint Search��� is for cloud-hosted customers, and does not help customer-hosted systems. I understand that, but am also disappointed. Hopefully some of the improvements in the core Vista product will trickle down to the customer-hosted systems.

      We haven���t switched to a cloud-hosted solution because it is WAY LESS flexible for development.

      If VP would make solid API for each ���batch entry��� area (and for any custom tables) and expose that to us as developers THROUGH the cloud-hosted setup, that would make it VERY TEMPTING for us to switch. But as it stands right now, switching would completely kill the MAIN REASON we bought into Viewpoint: ease of development and customization.

      So, @Eric, any chance that ���The ability to save filters on grids��� will be available to us on customer-hosted systems? Even if it���s not lightning fast, it would be a huge step up. J

    • Eric Vasbinder commented
      July 26, 2019 20:57

      @Mick Whelan: Please see my answer to Nathan Sutherland above. We do not send monthly maintenance payments over to pay for Viewpoint Search or other cloud-only technologies. Our cloud-hosted customers pay for and receive the benefits of this technology. As I mention above, this, and other shared services / platform solutions that are highly complex and difficult to support, are implemented as cloud-only solutions.

    • Eric Vasbinder commented
      July 26, 2019 20:54

      @Nathan Sutherland: It was shipped with Vista 6.17 sp2 I believe. Mick Whelan is correct though, Viewpoint Search, is for our cloud-hosted customers only. Viewpoint Search is a micro-serviced, containerized, Kubernetes-controlled, PaaS-hosted platform solution that, when completed, will stripe across all Viewpoint products and data objects. In addition, to ensure proper performance we need to ensure that the Vista solutions that plug in to Viewpoint Search have a certain level of connectivity to the Azure environment where VP Search is hosted. As such, we cannot support Viewpoint Search for our on-premise customers. Since this functionality was so advantageous for our customers who are in the cloud, we decided to make this technology available to them, even though our on-premise customers cannot take advantage of it.

    • Mick Whelan commented
      July 26, 2019 17:27

      Nathan, that response means they're not going to do it.  To use Viewpoint Search you have to be a cloud based customer (aka Viewpoint One).  It's the second major feature (with Viewpoint Analytics) that is Cloud based only.  So your monthly maintenance payments are going to help fund new features that you can't use!!   But sales is more than happy to just let you throw away your capital investment in Vista desktop licenses so you can move to the cloud.  We were new customers and had been live for less than a year when they proposed this for us.   They literally couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to move to the cloud after spending $70K for user licenses a year prior.  SMH! 

    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      July 26, 2019 15:12

      Which version was this shipped in? And do you mean "" or some other tech?

    • Jason Rowberg commented
      January 25, 2017 18:39

      If this is implemented, it is equally important to fix the issue where, if a filter is applied to the grid, and a program-level field is changed (e.g., Vendors filtered for "con", change project from "12345" to "12346") the whole thing locks up if no results are found under the new selection.  You have to go back to the old selection, then clear the filter, then change the selection again.

      Project number translates across programs, so I can foresee an entire program locking up if I pull it up with a current project number that has no results under the currently applied filter.

      A suggested behavior for such situations would be to clear the applied filter(s).

    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      December 19, 2016 16:15

      Due to the new ability to right click and reset the filter, I think most users would find that remembering the last filter used (or defaulting to what the user has setup) would actually speed up their workflow..

    • Andre Ferreira commented
      December 18, 2016 22:44

      In user options have the option to remember filters per grid.

    • Eric Vasbinder commented
      December 17, 2016 04:59

      This is a good idea, but we need to be careful to not too drastically change a learned behavior for our users.  For example, there may be some users who are anticipating the grid filters to be reset to default each time.  As such, I would anticipate that this idea would need to be combined with the corollary of a default value per user, with the ability of the user to set the filter to either remember the latest used filter set, or to reset to normal each time the grid is opened.

      We will need to research this to determine the feasibility, but will look into it for you.

    • Guest commented
      November 09, 2016 20:35

      Would be useful for Active/Inactive Status in EM Equipment form.

    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      October 28, 2016 16:15

      Follow up to my previous comment: Saved searches are nice, but have many limitations!

      • It is not immediately visible that the form is limited in what it's seeing.
      • Only two fields can be used at a time.
      • Some fields just can't be used. (try adding the 'Address' field in 'EM Shops' via F3 -> System Overrides -> Include In Form Search)
      • It is not available for UD forms!
      • No possibility to set a field search default system wide or company wide.

      I thus cast my vote to extend the grid filter and at the very least make it remember, per user, what the last grid filter was when opening the form again.

      As a bonus, perhaps the follow features could be taken into consideration?

      • Company wide or system wide default filter in F3 field settings (Example: By default show only active HQ Materials)
      • Default filter value also available per user in F3 field settings. (Example: Material manager may always want to see ALL HQ materials)
    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      October 10, 2016 17:41

      If you are updated to 6.13, you can do that!

      Filters are not saved, but "Searches" are.


      a) Add your field to the search area if not already present (F3 in field, tap [System Overrides], set [Include in Form Search] to ON)

      b) Open search panel (by tapping search icon at top of form. Not available on all forms)

      c) Enter search values and tap [Search].

      d) Close the form and open it again. Note how it opens already "searched", even if the search panel is hidden!


      Personally I think a "saved filter" per user to always open to whatever the user had set when it was closed might have been simpler, and would instantly communicate to the user that the data was being filtered, but at least we have a way to hide all the inactive or old rows now!

    • Jackie Farasyn commented
      September 21, 2016 19:53

      I would agree this would be very helpful.  Additionally, if we could save multiple column orders of the grid it would simplify exports.

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