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Allow UD Fields to show their "Validation" in the GRID.

Why are UD Fields in standard tables denied the ability to show their Validation in the GRID? Additionally, why are UD TABLES denied the ability to show validation fields (pardon me, "Description" fields) in the GRID?

Usefulness: A ton! This would actually fulfill much the same desire as the "Custom display only field" wish.

  • You know that drop down "Description in Grid:"? Try setting it to "Show above grid only" for a UD field with a validation, and admire it at the top.
  • Now swap it to "Show in grid only" and gasp in horror as it vanishes from the view.
  • Is it visible in the GRID? Nope. The drop down lied.

I think this should work the same as standard fields.

  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Jan 16 2017
  • In Review
Company Cutting Edge Plumbing & Mechanical
Job Title / Role Developer
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Kurt Brown commented
    October 21, 2022 17:52

    We would love to be able to put custom field descriptions on the grid, it would be a pretty big deal for us.

  • Greg Saunders commented
    August 30, 2022 12:58

    100% agree. This is a big issue, especially when using key field. In the grid you see only numbers and have to create a report for the user to see what everything is. OR they go to the form, but you only see one at a time then.

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    August 09, 2022 22:44

    Thanks Travis!!

  • Travis Hatch commented
    January 11, 2022 19:33

    We had added some custom calculated descriptions in the grid and form (see PF-I-58)

    This was accomplished by inserting into dbo.vDDFIc

    insert into dbo.vDDFIc (Form , Seq , ViewName , ColumnName , Description , Datatype , InputType , InputMask , InputLength , Prec , ActiveLookup , LookupParams , LookupLoadSeq , SetupForm , SetupParams , StatusText , Tab , TabIndex , Req , ValProc , ValParams , ValLevel , UpdateGroup , ControlType , ControlPosition , FieldType , DefaultType , DefaultValue , InputSkip , Label , ShowGrid , ShowForm , GridCol , AutoSeqType , MinValue , MaxValue , ValExpression , ValExpError , ComboType , GridColHeading , HeaderLinkSeq , CustomControlSize , Computed , ShowDesc , ColWidth , DescriptionColWidth , IsFormFilter , ExcludeFromAggregation , MaskText , DisableInput , ShowInSearchLabel)

    values ('udPMManpower' , 5001 , 'udPMManpower', 'dbo.uf_PMPMName_EPCS(Co,EmployeeID)' , 'Name' , null , 0 , null , 60 , null , 'N' , null , 0 , null , null , null , 1 , null , 'N' , null , null , null , null , 5 , '0,0,0,0' , 0 , null , null , 'Y' , 'Name' , 'Y' , 'N' , null , 0 , null , null , null , null , null , 'Name' , null , null , 'Y' , null , null , null , 'Y' , 'N' , 'N' , 'Y' , null)

    where dbo.uf_PMPMName_EPCS is a Scalar-Valued Function that takes in the Company and Contact# and returns the employee's name which is shown on the grid.

    There are other fields that they added that also show on the form.

    These fields were added a couple years ago and we haven't run into any problems with them.

    This is our current workaround until Vista gets their `Field Properties > System Overrides > Display > Description in Grid > 0-Show In Grid Only` working

  • Daniel Armstrong commented
    January 28, 2021 16:58

    This is important as we want to be able to use "key values" in the text box and then show the description in the validation message, but without this capability, the grid is almost useless as the user doesn't know what the "key values" text value is.

  • Guest commented
    August 30, 2019 22:55

    It would be helpful to have UD items visible in the grid. We add UD items because it is a needed piece of information. Majority of people at our company work on the grid view. Therefore, the UD field is almost useless. We have to manually go and check the tab for data. 

  • Daniel Armstrong commented
    July 17, 2019 12:56

    This is a must.

  • Trevor Kiers commented
    November 05, 2018 22:52

    100% Agreed. There are so many challenges in getting away from external Excel spreadsheets and small things like this can easily derail the efforts being made to bring data from outside of the system to being managed and stored inside Vista.

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