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Allow us to update a target field using Field Validation, even if the target field already has data

The Undocumented Feature

A currently undocumented feature used everywhere is for validation mappings for one field, we will call it FieldA, to have an OUTPUT to another field which we will call it FieldB, so that when the procedure fires, you can push data into FieldB. This is very useful.

It works like this:

In FieldA's Valdation Procedure MAP, all the POSITIVE numbers represent INPUTS into the validation procedure, while the NEGITIVE numbers represent OUTPUTS from this procedure. Except -999, which tells VP to ignore that data. 

You can see this for yourself on any field where typing something into it changes a following field. Highlight the main field, then hit F3, select Field Properties, and scroll down to the bottom. Look at the lines labeled Val Proc and Val Params.

The Dilemma 

With a custom validation procedure pushing data into a field, it will only push data if the target field is currently empty and has not been saved yet. If there is already anything in the field, the old data stays put.

With Viewpoint's internal validation procedures, they can force new data into a field, even if there's already data present. It can even blank out the target field! We could really use the same ability.

A Sample Setup

FieldA: Custom Field Validation: A very simple procedure which echos one input into one output. Mapping is setup so input is current field (FieldA), and output is FieldB.

Typing data into FIeldA then hitting TAB correctly pushes data into FieldB, but only if this is a new record, and if FieldB is blank.

Once data exists in FIeldB, changing FieldA no longer has any effect on FieldB. This is sad. Very sad.

The Request

Viewpoint Team, please extend to our custom validation procedures the same ability as your standard procedures have: The ability to force data into target fields.

Thank you.

  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Jul 18 2017
Company Cutting Edge Plumbing & Mechanical
Job Title / Role Developer
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      January 09, 2018 23:14

      Here's another example I just ran into.

      We put two new columns within PO Purchase Order Entry:

      • Manufacturer
      • MFG PartNum

      They are filled in automatically based on some custom tables we have, via a "Validation" on the description field. This part works quite well, and gives us the correct defaults.

      We also have a fantastic F4 lookup tied to the Manufacturer field which shows us all available Manufacturers and and their PartNumbers for that material. When a Manufacturer line is selected from the lookup, it also tries to fill out the PartNumber.\

      Due to the bug listed on this page, this only works if the PartNumber field is blank.

      Why is this important? Each time a person decides to CHANGE the manufacturer (by using the F4 lookup, or manually) on the line, they also have to TYPE IN the part number, or remember to DELETE the PartNumber first, THEN select the manufacturer.

      As you can imagine, if a user forgets to update the PARTNUMBER field, then the PO is sent out with a mismatch between the part number and the manufacturer.

      When you change the Material field, the UnitCost and Description fields both update. Thus I can safely conlclude that Viewpoint has the ability to push data into target fields that already have data, but for some reason is blocking that ability for custom validation procedures.

      Viewpoint: We would greatly appreciate this functionality.


    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      August 02, 2017 00:41

      Viewpoint, here is a great example. Create a new form with two fields: "Material", and "Description" (and a key field of Seq).

      Now add the normal lookup and validation to the material field (from HQMT), so it pushes the description of the material into the description column. 

      Now add a record. Save the record.

      Now MODIFY the "Material" field. Oh, the description does not update? Bummer. Now tell all of your users "You have to manually update the description if you change the material field". Doesn't that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? :-)

      Yes, there ARE reasons we want to initially copy over the description, then have the ability to modify it as we want to. AND also be able to "reset it" by selecting a different material. All of this would be possible if the above idea is implemented.


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    We at Viewpoint sincerely thank you for your contribution to Suggestion Box on how we can improve Viewpoint products. While we can’t do everything at once, we rely upon your feedback to help guide the prioritization of our product improvements, and Suggestion Box is a critical tool for us to understand and prioritize our customers’ needs. Viewpoint reviews Suggestion Box regularly for all of our products and updates statuses, adds comments, and performs various house-keeping (including deleting) as needed to ensure that Suggestion Box is maintained as a productive environment for product enhancements requests.

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