So I can drag and drop emails as attachments
Company | CMSWillowbrook, Inc. |
Job Title / Role | Chief Financial Officer |
I need it... | Yesterday...Come on already |
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Please find the attached updated file for your preview. Thanks,
Phil Stackable | Systems Analyst/Programmer
214.443.5584 (direct dial) or ext. 25584
713.305.8873 (mobile)
Austin Industries, Inc.
Please hurry up with this. We need to be able to drag and drop emails as attachments.
Dianne Jackson
3108 S. 9th St.
Chickasha, OK 73018
405.224.1554 tel
405.224.5995 fax
Please not that Office 2019 will DEFAULT to install as 64-bit so this is going to become a bigger issue as more and more customers install 64-bit without really knowing.
This continues to cause issues for us since we nee 64bit due with how excel dependent we are. 64bit is becoming the standard and VP needs to adjust soon!
With Microsoft now defaulting to 64 bit for new installations of Office 2019 and Office 365, this has increased in priority.
This is really important that you fix this issue. We use MS Project it is 64 bit, so I cannot mix and match MS Office Products, but I can't attach in Viewpoint either! This is ridiculous in this day not to support 64 bit software.
Another vote for this feature. Many of our managers need 64-bit Excel to work with large data sets, and need to have the Vista > Outlook integration work. Thank you.
Microsoft has had 64-bit versions of Office for over 8 years now. Most, if not all, OS now are also 64-bit. We should not have to downgrade Office to 32-bit just to get it to work with Vista.
** Please add 64-bit already **
Upgraded from 6.10 to 6.13. Went from having no issues to way too many issues with this update. Can't believe Clearview has offered zero solutions to all of our problems - only suggested ways in which to change the programs we use and to lower our efficiency by changing our processes and causing us to take extra steps.
Please support 64 bit version of Microsoft Office. I need to be able to drag and drop emails as attachements.
Dianne Jackson
CMSWillowbrook, Inc.
3108 S. 9th Street
Chickasha, OK 73018
405-224-1554 tel
405-896-5812 fax
My VP froze for 30 minutes yesterday when I attached an e-mail. Then my OE froze and restarted.
Also, I.T. tells me that many of the problems I have with exporting reports to Excel is due to VP not being able to do 64bit.
We have the same problem, and unfortunately support just gives the "up-vote it" answer to us.
This should not be such a difficult thing to fix, Viewpoint doesn't need to check Office versions before attaching a file (like attaching a *.jpg, or a *.zip, just attach the file, forget what version Office is, it doesn't matter!). Office 2013 64-bit has no problem attaching emails, Office 2016+ won't work but this has to do with some kind of extra check that Viewpoint is doing that is unnecessary. Forget what version it is, please just attach the file. This is a basic need.