We would like for the printed PO to match our company standard PO Form. We also need the ability to make certain modifications to the form that may be dictated by the type project we are working on. We currently do not use the Crystal Report because it does not look like our standard form of PO.
Company | Dunn Building Company, LLC |
Job Title / Role | Senior Project Manager |
I need it... | Yesterday...Come on already |
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We add our T&Cs to the "Notes" tab and that helps as a "work around" for this.
We have terms and conditions attached to our PO that occasionally we need to modify for specific projects or vendors. It's very cumbersome and time consuming to do this under Crystal Reports. Would be nice to generate a Word document similar to what we can do under PM Subcontracts.
There are a lot of other uses for Document Templates then just creating a PO. We use them for populated insurance requests, followup letters, internal waivers, etc. I understand the calculation concern, however I don't think that applies to everyone we all use this software and this module differently. Please make this tool available in the PM Purchase Order Module.
What is your schedule for making the PO Template? Please give us an idea of how long we will be waiting for this. Thank you.
Margaret Andrews
Sullivan designBUILD
d: 608 661 6810 | c: 608 444 7636
At CEPM we've created a lot of custom SSRS reports for areas like this, then added a button in the ENTRY or generic "List POs" forms named "Print PO", which is a shortcut to run the report. This makes workflows fairly smooth.
I suggest having someone invest in SSRS at your company, and once they learn it, ask them to do this kind of modification (create a report that looks like your existing PO).