Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Improvements to Dispatch Board

Scheduling requires planning and there are very few planning tools/flags in Vista now for schedulers. FYI we are currently using version 6.14.

The scheduling board either requires 'planner' tools or we need a 'planner board' so users can easily assemble the schedule and keep track of CONFIRMED work vs. UNCONFIRMED work. Right now, the first state of a trop on the board is 'OPEN' and there should be a state for 'TENTATIVE' so we can tell the difference.

Along with this enhancement, users should quickly be able to locate 'planned' work without having to look up the WO. A Dispatch Board query would help with this enhancement.

  • Veronica Healey
  • Aug 21 2018
  • In Review
Company Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd.
Job Title / Role SM Operations Manager/Implementation Leader
I need it... 1 month
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  • Guest commented
    August 13, 2019 16:22

    this sounds amazing we have a work around now but its no where near fool proof. Something IN Vista would be such a help.

  • Veronica Healey commented
    August 13, 2019 12:24

    To Aleisha's point, statuses could be used to ID WIP scheduling vs. what's confirmed but there are still limited tools here. We've upgraded and are still missing the below ideas:

    1-Somewhere to put WIP scheduling notes  (office level only i.e. things we don't want techs to see ever)

    2-The ability to set reminders for when follow-ups are required (date & time in tandem with notes of some kind)

    3-Better visuals on the board to actually SHOW the dates the scopes are due (this currently doesn't show in the pop-ups OR your new quick reference)

    4-Easier ways to locate the actual appointments on the calendar without scrolling around (like an action of some kind that takes the user right to the specific appointment in the calendar)

    5-Better tools for recording stat holidays, time-off and on-call schedules

    6-Better flexibility with security so we can permit 'read-only' views of the board without the ability to modify anything from the board

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    August 12, 2019 22:19

    Sure. How about the 'Open' trips come in at half transparency on the dispatch board? Or perhaps a background with diagnal lines instead of solid? That way 'Open' could mean "Open for Adjustment" (/Tentative)?

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    August 12, 2019 21:47

    Planning tools is a good idea - can you help us with more detail

  • Aleisha Nulty commented
    October 03, 2018 17:21

    I have a work around for this. Currently I use the accepted status to show this is a confirmed trip with the customer. I use Notified status to show the tech was notified, but schedule can change.

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