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AP Company Parameters Audit Options Subcontract Cost

Would like to be able to choose the same options for Subcontract that exist for PO's in relation to exceeding the subcontract value

i.e. by item and total subcontract

  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2018
  • Likely but not yet planned
Company FDC Construction & Fitout
Job Title / Role Business Systems Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Guest commented
    February 16, 2022 04:02

    Hi Gary

    Whats happening with this one, we currently have to flick the allow checkbox on and off everytime the cost on an item exceeds the items contract value(which could happen a couple of times a day) - we call this paying on account, very common in Australia. We still want to stop from cost exceeding total contract value. We need the same options that exist for Purchase Orders.

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    March 21, 2019 23:20

    Got it - thanks for the clarification

  • Grant Mongin commented
    March 21, 2019 11:59

    Hi Gary! So currently when the "Allow transactions to exceed current total cost" box is unchecked we can post transaction costs in the SL Worksheet at higher amounts then current total cost. This is helpful, like the other comment reads, but we would like a warning when we do this. Sometimes we need to post invoices at higher amounts because a change order is coming but we need some sort of warning when this happens.

  • Guest commented
    March 21, 2019 00:50

    Hi Gary,

    To clarify, there should be a tick box in AP Company parameters that allows an AP transaction to be posted if a SL item has been exceeded. This would sit next to existing tick box which "allows transactions to exceed current TOTAL cost"

    This would enable pending variations to be paid against without the need to continually override the system by ticking the "allow transactions to exceed current total cost" tick box.


  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    March 20, 2019 23:20

    To confirm - you would like an option in AP Company to control users ability to enter transactions exceeding the subcontract item's current cost.  Correct?

    A warning would display whenever the SL item's current cost would be exceeded by the transaction being entered, but if set to prevent entry, the user would not be allowed to save the entry.

    Would you expect this option to be enforced in both AP Transaction and Unapproved Invoice Entry? 

  • Grant Mongin commented
    March 20, 2019 19:19

    Yes please we desperately need this!

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