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Have Per Diem Transfer to Job Cost from payroll, even while using the JC Fixed Rate template

We do a lot of T&M billing and need to separate Per Diem from Labor.  Additionally, it would be nice to isolate the phase, cost type, etc. within job cost.  Briing over one line makes it tough, if not impossible, to know if per diem shoudl be billed and even if you know, it makes it a very manual process.

  • Guest
  • Mar 2 2017
  • Likely but not yet planned
Company Modern Companies, Inc.
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Arin Knudtson commented
      July 15, 2021 02:57

      I'd like to bring this conversation back to life. We also have subsistence and other per diems that need to hit job cost while using Fixed Rates for actual hours worked. The way we have gotten around this is by using the SHIFT field. We set up Fixed Rate templates for Shift 1 hours, and enter all per diems as Shift 2. However, as we are using the Shift function in a way that it is not intended - is creates very manual processes for payroll as the timecards do not import with Shift 1/2. Better functionality around Fixed Rates all around would be great!

    • Guest commented
      October 30, 2018 19:50

      I am subscribing to this as I too have a huge need for JC Fixed Rates but find this is a large road block.  Not only on earnings, but also liability allocations.  Any pointers would be appreciated.

    • Robert Hayes commented
      July 12, 2018 18:51

      Hi Gary,

      Hope you are doing well.

      I don’t know if you saw my post in the suggestions on this item, but changing the factor on the earnings code did not solve the problem. I changed it to a factor that is not on our fixed rate templates, but the cost still did not post through to the job on any job for which we have a fixed rate template.

      Robert Hayes, CPA | C.F.O.
      Fisher Construction Group | 625 Fisher Lane, Burlington WA 98233
      Main: 360.757.4094 | Cell: 801.995.2114 | Desk: 360.422.3307
      Learn more about our services at

    • Robert Hayes commented
      July 09, 2018 18:57

      Gary, after making the change to the earnings factor the subsistence is still not getting charged to a job even though there is not a matching earnings factor on our fixed rate template.  We have ran a couple payrolls since speaking at the CFMA conference about this, but it has not helped fix the problem.  Anything that could be done to escalate a fix for this would be great!

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      June 25, 2018 19:33

      Robert - great connecting with you at the CFMA conference.  As we discovered together, the template is only prepared to work with rate based earnings (ST, OT, DT,...) and not going to produce the desired result in JC for your amount based earnings (Subsistence, Per Diem,...).  The template is looking for any earnings code with a matching earning factor and then multiplying the # of hours times the template rate to determine amount of those earnings to update to JC.  Subsistence entered on the Crew Timesheet as 'other earnings' will have 0.00 hours and if it has an earnings factor matching an entry in the template (e.g. 1.00) the calculation will result in 0.00 earnings (i.e. 0.00 hours * rate) for JC.  The best way to work around this for now is to set the earnings factor on your subsistence earnings code to a value not used in your fixed rate template (e.g. 0.9)  That way the template will not be used for those earnings and they will pass through to JC based on actual amounts.

      Longer term, we'll look at adding a flag with earnings code setup so they can be explicitly included/excluded by the fixed rate template. 

      If you or others have an opinion/comment as to whether this is the best approach, please feel free to let us know.

    • Robert Hayes commented
      June 24, 2018 23:27

      Yes, we enter subsistence/per diem on the crew timesheet but because we utilize the fixed rate template the subsistence amount does not come through to job cost.   For jobs that we do not use a fixed rate template, subsistence hits job cost just fine.

    • Whitley Pruiti commented
      May 03, 2017 07:50

      Also want to include transfers of allowances etc in Payroll to SM Work Order.

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