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Arrears for Liabilities

We pay for a portion of our employees health benefits. If the employee does not have a paycheck, the liability, our employer contribution amount, is not taken. The liability is not subject to arrears; therefore, the liability cannot be properly reconciled over a monthly basis. We would need for the liability to either be subject to arrears or to be pulled regardless of the employee having a paycheck.

  • Guest
  • May 22 2017
  • In Review
Company Jaflo, Inc.
Job Title / Role HR Generalist
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Cathy Wagner commented
      February 13, 2023 23:22

      When an employee goes out on leave of absence for more than 30 days, the employee must pay their portion of employee benefits. I have read how we can apply payments when the employee writes a check and reconcile it in the A/P module. We are now asking that employees also pay back the employer portion of the benefits while out on leave in excess of twelve weeks. COFAMILI allows for sixteen week of leave before the employee's benefits terminate. We want to be able to capture the arrears on both the employee's portion and the employer's portion when they have not returned from leave after twelve weeks and do not write a check to pay the balance while continuing to have benefits coverage. Benefits coverage will terminate after the twelve weeks for non-payment. Should the employee terminate employment, and they still owe a balance, we need to offset that for W-2 purposes as an after-tax deduction. I need to somehow be able to clear balances out at year-end. Tracking the employer portion to be reported in box 12 of the W-2 under code DD will be difficult if we have to manually track.

    • Deanna Niemeyer commented
      October 12, 2022 12:31

      We also need this feature, and are quite frankly surprised it does not exist.

    • Guest commented
      November 13, 2018 16:47

      Of course. We have to include the employer paid portion of Healthcare on the W-2. When our employees go into arrears on their healthcare, it also does not capture the employer portion. We are still paying the benefit and the employee catches up with the arrears but we have to manually catch up the employer portion in order to capture this on the W-2.

    • Wendy Reese commented
      November 09, 2018 20:16

      The liabilities in which we would use this function are static throughout the year. These liabilities include health and dental care, life insurance and that sort of thing. I have to print a report weekly and adjust the liability side manually in the pay sequence control and reprocess each of these employees that i have to adjust. If These particular liabilities could be set up with the arrears and payback option I would not have to worry about making  manual errors and could also free up that time I spend doing it manually. 

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      November 09, 2018 19:59

      Thresholds and paybacks make sense in the context of employee deductions - to control amounts owed and reimbursements from future earnings, but I'm unclear how they apply or might function with employer paid benefits and fringes.  Can you offer details and/or an example?

    • Guest commented
      November 06, 2018 19:20

      For our locations we would want to set the liabilities up to run just like the deductions.  We would want to set a threshold and payback options just like the deductions.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      November 06, 2018 16:21

      Since arrears thresholds and paybacks would not apply with liabilities, would a simple report/query of active employees w/o posted earnings in a pay period times their liability amount meet the need? 

      Would this info need to be tracked/logged with each pay period, since active flags and liability amounts can change, or is your data static enough that a current values would be acceptable when generating a report?    

    • Wendy Reese commented
      November 06, 2018 13:24

      Yes please!  I have to manually spend time every week doing this.....more waisted time when it should automatically happen just like the deduction side.

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