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Please improve the response time when checking the "approve" or "reject" boxes on the Unapproved Invoice Review form. Our reviewers are about lose their mind!

The "approve" and "reject" check boxes on the AP Unapproved Invoice Review form do not respond timely.  Its very frustrating to the approvers!!

  • Carrie Kolb-Greiwe
  • Jan 29 2018
  • Shipped
Company Kolb Grading LLC
Job Title / Role Office Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    Gary Gilmore commented
    August 10, 2020 17:05

    This change was implemented as a fix to issue #97086 (in 6.19.20) and addresses the grid refresh problem that occurred after a user Accepted or Rejected a row. There is no release documentation for bug fixes, but its resolution can be found in the Customer Portal (Track Issues). This change will be evident to users familiar with AP Unapproved Invoice Review, in that a grid row will no longer automatically disappear as they move off a row just Accepted or Rejected. All updates still occur as the row changes, but the grid will only refresh and remove the Approved/Rejected rows (depending on header option) after a user clicks one of the refresh buttons. This is not expected to change a user's workflow, but will help improve performance and be less confusing.

  • Brent Schrock commented
    August 08, 2020 15:51

    Gary, is there any documentation of that fix? I see nothing in the release notes or Issue Tracking in the portal. I just upgraded past 6.19.19 and like to share fix details with my users.

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    August 07, 2020 20:49

    Performance and grid refresh improvements in AP Unapproved Invoice Review have been released with 6.19.20 and 2020 R1.1. Grid no longer auto refreshes when Approving or Rejecting a line - this improves form responsiveness and leaves the row visible to better maintain context for the reviewer. Grid will refresh by clicking on Refresh Grid button, Refresh button in the toolbar or changing selection criteria.

  • Michele Birdwell commented
    August 07, 2020 19:19

    in Accounts Receivable the box does not notify anyone that it has been approved

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    June 29, 2020 16:02

    Performance and grid improvements are underway in the AP Unapproved Invoice Review form. We will no longer automatically refresh the grid after clicking an approve or reject checkbox, but wait until you press the 'refresh grid' button'. This will keep the current invoices visible to help maintain context and avoid 'scrambling all over the screen' to check the right box

  • Guest commented
    January 31, 2018 18:58

    As soon as "reject" is checked the system is sending a response to the AP clerk as well as the approver. Unfortunately, there are several situations where the approver inadvertently checked  the incorrect box and corrected immediately.  Too late, everyone has been notified and confused.  It would make more sense for the rejections to be sent with the approver exits the screen.

  • Guest commented
    January 29, 2018 21:44

    I agree. It takes multi attempts and scrambling all over the screen to eventually record the box.

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