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In GL Monthly Close, allow sub ledgers to be closed individually.

It would make month end closing easier if each sub ledger could be closed in Month in Close.  AR and AP need to close before Job Cost.  General Ledger is allowed to close separately, why not other modules?

  • Guest
  • May 14 2018
  • In Review
Company Prus Construction
Job Title / Role Accountant
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Scott Luman commented
      January 04, 2022 14:09

      Doesn't the system do this already? You can close AP, AR and All Others separately. If you close AP, then it does not allow POs. If you close AR then it does not allow JB. But JC is open until you close ALL subledgers. Correct me if I am wrong, but it works fine as is, as of today, 01/04/2022.

    • Christina Haupt commented
      October 21, 2021 08:37

      Ability to close everything at once would be helpful as well.

    • Guest commented
      December 11, 2020 15:05

      yes! sometimes you need JC open, but if you leave PO, SL, etc you end up with all these batches of people changing stuff when you already closed the month. Every module should have a seprate check box, but then one "All other subledgers" if you WANT to lump them all together!

    • Cindy DiCosola commented
      September 24, 2020 12:23

      NEED this! As soon as one module is cleared for close, someone opens a batch in another module. JB is the worst offender, with SM a close second.

    • Laura McGillicuddy commented
      June 29, 2020 14:26

      You can build a udTable to control this - email me if you need info

    • Guest commented
      May 05, 2020 23:58

      It would be very nice if JB is a module you can close through GL Monthly Close. We have people accidentally go to last month's JB progress bill and make changes thinking it is the current month. Then we have to change it back and re-interface the changed draw.

    • David Buckingham commented
      June 11, 2018 19:08

      Very small thing...don't have the GL Month End Close form automatically close one you run it...usually I want to confirm everything looks good before I move on so I just open it again.  Or sometimes you need to run the form multiple times to get to the point you want to be at so you end up opening it several times.  

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