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AP Vendor Master lookup is extremely slow

Pressing F4 appears to lock system, but the lookup is just extremely slow

  • Andrew Karr
  • Nov 2 2016
  • Shipped
Company Bird Construction
Job Title / Role AP Mgr
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Eric Vasbinder commented
      July 25, 2019 22:49

      With the advent of several enhancements coming soon, this issue should either go away or be dramatically reduced. Speed Demon III: Rise of the Demon...

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 19, 2017 20:40

      After further review, this Vendor lookup performance issue is unrelated to the thumbnail viewer and/or attachments. The observed behavior is a result of a large dataset (thousands of vendor rows, each with 12 or more columns of data) and an attribute of the grid control that auto sizes column widths.

      Auto sizing can occur only after all data has been loaded into the grid, but before it displays creating a delayed response with large datasets. If auto sizing is off, data can be immediately displayed because column widths are fixed/known, allowing the remaining data to continue to load.

      An option to turn off auto-sizing may be a viable solution, but longer term, record set paging has been identified as the preferred approach. Work to implement a solution is being considered by the Vista Platform/Systems team, but has yet to be fully planned or targeted.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      December 27, 2016 22:36

      This should be reported to Support as a perfomance issue.

      FYI - work is underway to signifcantly improve performance when listing attachments in the thumbnail viewer

    • Guest commented
      November 11, 2016 14:45

      I have found the attachments are what slows down the AP Vendor Master Lookup.  I have started turning off the Thumbnail Viewer, then searching for a specific Vendor, that seems to allow the process to go a bit quicker. When the specific Vendor appears, turn the Thumbnail Viewer back on, if needed.

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