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AP Retainage Summary Report has been taken away!

Our company uses this report every month to review subcontractor retention.  Hard to believe that Viewpoint would just take this report off the menu! It's been replaced with a drilldown that does not meet our needs, and has no totals - so we'll now need to export to excel and sum manually.  PLEASE BRING THIS BACK!  This is the only report that you had to manage retention over all projects. 

  • Guest
  • Dec 12 2019
  • Planned
Company The Horst Group (Horst Construction and Horst Excavating)
Job Title / Role Accounting Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      January 07, 2020 13:16

      Gary Gilmore - The retention changes that Vista made in 6.19.3 also don't work correctly, and we have been in touch with your support team, who verified that it's broken.  We need to make correcting journal entries with each release of subcontractor retention.  I don't understand why these 'improvements' aren't fully tested before implementing them.  It's the same with the changes that were made to be able to close the subcontracts and purchase orders at the same time you close a job instead of closing them separately.  That didn't work, and as far as I know, still doesn't.  Support's solution to us on the retention is to go back to the old version that worked and met our needs.  But we're on the cloud, so Viewpoint decides when they give us updates. When do you plan to implement the 'near term' service pack to fix this?   

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 06, 2020 19:49

      Vendor and job totals were inadvertently removed from this report when it was modified to provide drilldown details - this was not our intent. They will be added back in a near term 6.19 service pack

    • Kevin Halme commented
      January 06, 2020 18:54



      Email me at or call me at 402-915-5050.



    • Guest commented
      December 26, 2019 12:48

      Hi Kevin, I did contact support & the person I talked to told me the report was no longer available.  She told me to post this in suggestions.  If you can help us get this back, we would be very grateful. 



    • Kevin Halme commented
      December 12, 2019 21:43



      Contact support and they can likely get you the report file for the old version.  Or I can assist if needed as well at no charge.


      Kevin Halme | Constructive Tech Solutions |

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