Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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New Viewpoint Facelift is horrible

Very hard to read with the new font. Difficult on the eyes. Why would you change all the viewing, printing fonts and ones on the custom reports. Why not leave them and give users options to change fonts. Creates a lot of issues now that we the users have to fix.

  • Robert Barber
  • Jun 26 2020
  • Will not implement
Company Aetna Bridge Company
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Bonnie Simpson commented
      September 22, 2021 17:51

      I wouldn't say it's horrible - but the new constraints for printing from a preview is causing our remote users a lot of issues and they hate it. I have explained how it works - but it's adding more steps from an already onerous (or what they consider is) task. These custom reports were developed to print from Viewpoint, and now we are requiring our field/remote workers to export and print after previewing. I just spoke with a PM who said instead of making it easier, it's more steps and more difficult. My fifty cents.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      August 13, 2020 21:17

      Our UI changes were made to align with ViewpointOne and have been welcomed by many customers.

      A font change utility for use with customer reports is available from the Customer Portal.

    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      July 22, 2020 17:47

      In my mind the ability to find something quickly (like icons on a task bar) is related to three distinct properties:

      1. Muscle memory (where did I see it last?),

      2. Shape,

      3. Shading (including color & texture)

      By removing most of point three, you've made quick discovery of "Where is that darn button?" about 30% slower for new forms.

      I think this is most troublesome for the icons that are SOMETIMES present (like SEND & CREATE, and their cousins), but could also be an issue for similar shaped icons that are anywhere close to each other along the taskbar.

      Viewpoint, you don't need to follow the trend in the latest GUI fashion.

      What about being a TREND SETTER?

      What if Viewpoint became so EASY to use that we bragged about it to other companies?

    • James Moss commented
      July 17, 2020 13:17

      I can see this as being most helpful. I would like to see this as having the ability to change the font and size, within reason (not giant fonts), for the overall application but also the ability to alter the font, font size, and font color of particular buttons to help bring attention to them. Some, if not many, users would appreciate this idea / recommendation.

    • Guest commented
      July 16, 2020 15:47

      Totally agree. Hate the Save and New Buttons right next to each other being black. I keep hitting New instead of Save

    • Guest commented
      June 30, 2020 17:59

      Icons in all black is very difficult to navigate. Would really appreciate some color.

    • Sarag Pocus commented
      June 29, 2020 17:34

      Icons are greyed out, making it harder to find what program or report I'm looking for

    • Wendy LePiors commented
      June 29, 2020 11:52

      on top of it being difficult to look at the icons disappeared even after setting personal color options after logging out and then logging back in.

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    We at Viewpoint sincerely thank you for your contribution to Suggestion Box on how we can improve Viewpoint products. While we can’t do everything at once, we rely upon your feedback to help guide the prioritization of our product improvements, and Suggestion Box is a critical tool for us to understand and prioritize our customers’ needs. Viewpoint reviews Suggestion Box regularly for all of our products and updates statuses, adds comments, and performs various house-keeping (including deleting) as needed to ensure that Suggestion Box is maintained as a productive environment for product enhancements requests.

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