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2022 Year End...Full Functionality Restored in Vista ?? Not the case

Not supporting a W2 e-file correction OR supporting e-filing in the States of Indiana and Illinois…this is not a return to providing full year -end functionality or support to Vista clients.

I attended the W2 webinar and have the slides and the above was not mentioned in either. Had I known I would have only used Aatrix. Additionally, the wrong forms were supplied for the 1099’s.

  • Susan Thompson
  • Jan 13 2023
  • Will not implement
Company Dyer Construction Company, Inc.
Job Title / Role Treasurer
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 13, 2023 18:53

      Susan - we've been careful in our discussion of 2022 year-end that the reinstatement of Vista standard W-2/1099 print and eFile capabilities would be limited and not a full-featured alternative to Aatrix. Apologies if that message was not clearly communicated and has caused confusion.

      Aatrix remains Vista's preferred, and in some cases required regulatory print and eFiling solution. The ability to print employee W-2s and recipient 1099-NECs for current and prior years was by far the most commonly requested feature based on last year's experience. Additionally, a downloadable W-2 file meeting EFW2 format specifications was developed and offered for those willing to accept the responsibility of eFiling on their own. If you need a simple, straightforward Federal W-2 file or are willing and able to edit it for other jurisdictions, then it would be appropriate. It is not intended for corrections or specific state filing formats - you will need to rely on Aatrix in those situations. Our 1099 download has similar limitations and though it meets the IRS combined Fed and State filing format, it only picks up 1099-NECs - again Aatrix offers a broader range of capabilities and is the preferred option for many.

      Viewpoint Business Forms originally offered a 3-up blank form for 1099-NEC if printed directly from Vista, they have since corrected that to a 2-up blank and will replace your existing forms.

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    We at Viewpoint sincerely thank you for your contribution to Suggestion Box on how we can improve Viewpoint products. While we can’t do everything at once, we rely upon your feedback to help guide the prioritization of our product improvements, and Suggestion Box is a critical tool for us to understand and prioritize our customers’ needs. Viewpoint reviews Suggestion Box regularly for all of our products and updates statuses, adds comments, and performs various house-keeping (including deleting) as needed to ensure that Suggestion Box is maintained as a productive environment for product enhancements requests.

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