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Pay Stub Notify via text

We have many employees that just want a text of their net pay.  We currently have to use a 3rd party software to get this functionality.

  • Jon Glenn
  • Dec 20 2017
Company CW Matthews Contracting
Job Title / Role IT Manager
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
  • Brent Schrock commented
    January 05, 2018 23:23

    That's fantastic Nathan. You rock!

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    January 05, 2018 16:02

    Quickest setup (IMHO)

    a) Field named "Email to SMS Server" in VA Site Settings, where the user would enter something like (if all their users were on Verizon).

    b) Internal function like vfPREmployeeSMSAddress(@PRCo,@Employee) that would be used any time a user chooses 'send via SMS'. This function would return a value of the specified employee phone number stripped of non-digits, combined with the field (a) to generate an e-mail address.

    Your outgoing message could would then have a valid email to use.

    Better Long-term Setup

    Add a form into VP called "VA SMS Settings". Fields in the main form would include

    • Method (URL PUT / URL POST / EMAIL)
    • Server Email (example:
    • Server URL ( example: )
    • User FieldName
    • Password FieldName
    • User
    • Password
    • API Key FieldName
    • API Key
    • Authentication method
      • User & Password in Header
      • User & Password in URL
      • API Key in Header
      • API Key in URL
    • Sub-grid of Attributes, each with the following fields

    When an outbound SMS message was processed in the Queue, this data would be used to compose a HTTP call (or if method=EMAIL into a normal email), and it's response logged in VA Message Archive, just like all the other messages. I think this long term setup would take a little longer to create and test, but would allow your users to use almost any SMS gateway out there!

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    January 04, 2018 22:18

    Eric, the issue is that finding the right SMS email address can be a little confusing, as multiple websites might provide various answers as to who the provider is for a specific cell phone number and thus will give conflicting answers as to the right email address. (We've run into this several times with under 40 employees)

    To get around this, I've looked around a bit and discovered there are services out there (such as ) which will take a sender like and convert it automatically to the right mobile carrier. is about 1 cent a message. Other services (like AMAZON SNS) are a bit cheaper at 0.00654 per message (0.6 cents), but require a bit more programming and custom HTTP calls.

    Perhaps you should at least mention that there ARE 'Email to SMS' gateways, and suggest a google search to find providers?

    I'm going to sign up for the one mentioned, as I think we can stomach 1 cent a message to not have to worry about wrong carriers. :-)

  • Eric Vasbinder commented
    January 04, 2018 18:13

    Thank you Nathan!  We should add this set of steps to our documentation.  I'll ask our people in that group where they'd recommend putting it.

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    January 04, 2018 16:47

    What we've done: Added a 'SMS EMail' field into PR Employees.

    Example email: If the employee has a phone number of 5551112222 and are with Verizon, then the email would be This is a one time setup for when an employee is added, and only has to be changed if the employee changes cellphone providers.

    Then create a 'Workflow' job that fires off at the same time your employees are actually paid, or perhaps a few hours later just to be safe, which grabs the total net pay amount from one of Viewpoint's tables, and sends it to the respective employee.

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