Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Ability for Multiple Users to Create and Save Work Orders simultaneously

It would be more productive if multiple users could create and save Work Orders at the same time. This would benefit anyone who uses the module, allowing them to create at any time without causing errors for other users who are currently working in the Work Order Module.

  • Guest
  • May 17 2018
  • Shipped
Company DBSI, Inc.
Job Title / Role AR / Billing Specialist
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Nathan Sutherland commented
      August 04, 2021 17:17

      Any update on this? Same issue in "SM Call Handler" when multiple people are taking calls at the same time. Perhaps hitting "N" in the "Work Order" field should NOT give a work order number, but actually leave it as "N" until the user hits save, at which point it would THEN get a real (and unique) number.

    • Eric Vasbinder commented
      July 02, 2018 20:51

      We are looking into this.  More to come soon.

    • Guest commented
      June 06, 2018 20:15



      The issue that we see is when one user creates a NEW WORK ORDER by entering “+” at the top, it will default to the next UNSAVED Work Order number.  If they start filling out that form without saving it, then anyone else who clicks on the “+” sign will be directed to the same Work Order # while the other person is still in there.  Essentially multiple people can be working on the same Work Order at the same time.  Whoever gets to the sub-header section first will create SEQUENCE LINE 1 and from what I understand the second person that gets there will end up creating a SEQUENCE LINE 2 to the same Work Order and so forth.


      As it stands, from the time it takes to trigger a new Work Order (“+”), until the user actually gets through the whole screen in order to actually save that particular Work Order Number could take a while, especially if they are having to enter new site locations or working on fixing agreement numbers.


      It seems to me the best solution would be to put a button at the very top of the Service Work Order form like… “RESERVE NEW WORK ORDER NUMBER” which a user can push to pull in and reserve a new work order number without anyone pulling in the same one.  That way it gives the user the next sequential Unsaved Work Order number to work with but holds it so if anyone else goes in to try and trigger a new work order number they will be moved on to the next one in the sequence. 


      I would recommend against putting a “SAVED” button up there because what that would do is in those instances where people might get stuck while entering a Work Order and where they close out the module to come back later, would likely leave a number of abandoned work orders out there that people would forget about or not use.  Therefore I think the real solution is to be able to hold and reserve a new work order until that user has completed and saved it.


      Thank you.

    • Admin
      Greg Sikes commented
      June 04, 2018 21:38

      This is possible today. Please add extra information into this idea as to the limitations the system has.  Put in a screen shot if possible.

    • Guest commented
      May 18, 2018 14:36

      This would be amazing for AP and AR! 

    • Guest commented
      May 17, 2018 21:50

      There is a need for this for the Accounts Payable side as well.

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