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Allow an AP Batch Month to be changed in the case where transactions are entered in the wrong month

Invariably customers will discover after entering dozens or hundreds of transactions that they are in the wrong batch month.  Happens usually in the first week of a new month, as the Batch month defaults to the current one.

  • Darrell Robinson
  • Sep 13 2016
  • Shipped
Company Viewpoint
Job Title / Role Application Support
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Jaynie DeCicco commented
      March 05, 2018 22:58

      Processed and Paid Transactions along with Posted and Unpaid. Much easier than having to do the journal entry.

    • Logan Carter commented
      June 13, 2017 16:50

      I see that this is shipped?!??!? Awesome! Can we get more info on how it works or what version this is available in?  Thanks!

    • Shirley Andrews commented
      June 02, 2017 17:29

      I would also like to see an option if the batch is posted in to the general ledger where you could reverse posting and then change the posting month as sometimes the batch is already posted before the problem is discovered.  Then you have to post a batch of the items with negatives to remove from the wrong period and then reenter in a new batch in a new period.  That could end up being a lot of unnecessary work.  This should be an administrator only function though.  We don't want employees having the capability to reverse post batches at random.

    • Laurie Struthers commented
      April 20, 2017 16:28

      This is also essential for AR invoice entering. We just had this happen after entering over 30 invoices with have a lot of multiple transactions just to have to delete and re-enter.

    • Darrell Robinson commented
      November 18, 2016 19:12

      The specific batch situation is where, after entering many transactions in AP Transaction Entry, it is discovered that the batch was begun in the wrong month.  Batch has not been posted.  See this chat from a customer (one of many, many examples): 

      I have entered an invoice with a batch month of 11/16 in error. Is there a way to change the month to 10/16 without having to rekey all line items of the invoice?
    • Darrell Robinson commented
      November 10, 2016 00:18

      Beverly:  Again, this suggestion is for AP Entry and Batch Month.  If you have a suggestion for changing the month in AP Unapproved Invoice - which it sounds like you do - please begin a new suggestion

    • Guest commented
      October 27, 2016 22:34


      There are many data entry users. From time to time they accidently put an invoice in the wrong month in AP Unapproved Entry.

      It would much simpler to correct the month as you key.  Once you save the transaction you can not change it until it's pulled over.  The entry clerks do not have access to this function.  Therefore when discovered it would be better to change the month with out having to delete the whole transaction.

    • Heather Schafnitz commented
      October 12, 2016 17:39

      In AP is definitely where this is most needed. It would also be extremely helpful in AR Cash Receipts so if a payment was applied incorrectly and not caught for a few months it could be corrected without having to open a prior month.

    • Darrell Robinson commented
      October 12, 2016 15:47

      Beverly & Terry, you can change the month in AP Unapproved Invoice Entry.  This suggestion is for AP Transaction Entry.  See the Knowledge Base article: What are my options if I entered my unapproved invoice in the wrong month?  Article ID #150925588429879

    • Beverly Welch commented
      October 12, 2016 13:14

      I agree with Terry.  It would be extremely helpful in AP Unapproved Entry.

    • Terry Shook commented
      October 12, 2016 11:44

      It would be most helpful to us In AP Unapproved Invoice Entry.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      October 12, 2016 00:21

      The unique data and validation logic associated with each transaction type makes this nearly impossible (e.g. AP Trans require special logic to handle potentially paid entries that would not apply to a batch of EM Usage entries).  Prioritizing specific batch situations where having this ability has the highest value would be most helpful.   

    • Heather Schafnitz commented
      September 23, 2016 14:47

      I think all modules so should have an option when in the processing screen to change the batch month. 

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