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Simplify AP Prior Period Void Check

The current AP Prior Period Reversal is not user friendly, instead should be as easy as AP Void Payments

  • Guest
  • Sep 30 2016
  • Planned
Company Vilhauer Enterprises LLC
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... 3 months
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    • Cody Warlick commented
      August 30, 2022 22:12

      Please give an update on this one @viewpoint

    • Anne Rayburn commented
      March 09, 2021 01:05

      It is not possible to void the check in prior month reversal when the invoice interphase with the closed jobs with out opening the jobs back which to open it is a headache . Please see attached file

    • Guest commented
      July 15, 2020 15:20

      The biggest issue we have is that if the po is closed you don't know that until you are halfway through completing the form. You then have go and reopen the po just to void a payment. Voiding a check should have nothing to do with the po since we are only talking Cash & AP. We sometimes wait for the following month and do this method of voiding a check when we want to void both the check and AP invoice because it is a shorter process than AP Void Payment.

    • Guest commented
      July 15, 2020 14:57

      I would like to see this improved as well! It is very tricky and our AP person gets confused and if she doesn't pay attention to the check box to put it back into AP it can get messy, so I end up doing all prior period voids.

    • Yvonne Caruso commented
      July 15, 2020 11:31

      Yes, Gary you are correct, or the ability to add to a new payment batch to reissue would work as well.

    • Guest commented
      July 15, 2020 11:06


      Yes and/or just have the option to throw it in a payment batch automatically, since most of the time we're reissuing a check.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      July 15, 2020 00:12

      Sounds like having the process assume you want to create a new open invoice would be a good first step - agree?

    • Cindy DiCosola commented
      June 12, 2020 17:51

      NOT user friendly; should assume you want to reinstate the invoice, not make you check the poorly worded box. Voiding and reissing checks is very common. Voiding payments AND invoices is less so.

    • Bonnie Simpson commented
      July 02, 2019 20:29

      It's pretty clear that people do not understand how prior period void works. Simplifying it would help. My AP clerk has made mistakes a couple of times by not checking the box when she did intend to re-issue the check, which is a real headache.  You just have to remember to check to box if you want to reissue the check - that option is there.

    • Guest commented
      January 10, 2019 18:47

      We should have the option to not put the invoice back into open payables on voided check. 

    • Guest commented
      May 12, 2017 22:06

      In prior month it should only be dealing with Cash and AP.  There is no reason it should affect any open/close jobs, PO. etc.  voided check should be debit to cash account and credit to accounts payable. Very Simple


    • Kevin Lynch commented
      January 30, 2017 21:36

      Ideally you should just be able go in and select the check to void and post the batch to the month you want. The prepaid thing should just be behind the scenes if that is what the system needs to do.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 17, 2017 23:46

      Given the high number of votes for this suggestion the current process is either lacking an important capabiliity or is confusing - perhaps both. 

      I do need to correct a misstatement above - you have the option to create open payable(s) as part of the process.  The workflow is intended to help you reverse a payment made in a month that has since been closed.  A set of pre-paid reversing transactions will be created and assigned the same CM Ref# as the original paymnt, but with a unique Ref Seq#.  When posted, these reversing entries offset the original expenses and payments, and support your bank account reconcilation in CM.  If you intend to reissue payment, then select the option to 'create open trans in the current batch month'.  This will generate new transactions and expenses in the current month allowing you to process a new payment when you are ready.

      User help for this process offers an example that might be more instructive.  If I've misunderstood, please provide additional details and we'll do our best to improve this feature.

    • Guest commented
      December 14, 2016 22:32

      For starters, why doesn’t it give you the option of whether or not you want the invoice to go back into open payables? We only seem to have two options, void a check and it throws it back into the expense month rather than current month (big problem if bank rec has already been done), or do a prior period check reversal that just voids the check and expense but we have to re-enter it if we need to re-issue it. Maybe we aren’t understanding something, but that seems to be the only two ways of handling voiding checks.

    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      December 14, 2016 22:25

      What specific features are needed to make this easier?

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