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PR Craft report by day

When reporting hours to the Union the hours are supposed to be reported by the actual day worked, not payroll end date.  These hours are used to determine benefits for employees based on the number of hours worked in a month or group of months.  It's important these hours are reported correctly.  Typically there are anywhere from 1 day to 3 days of work that get reported in the wrong month because it only allows us to print the Craft Report by payroll ending date.  

  • Guest
  • Jul 19 2017
  • In Review
Company McCabe Construction
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... 6 months
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    • Jill Maramonte commented
      January 13, 2023 18:36

      This has been a huge issue for me as well, especially when all the union rates change. The union craft report needs to have specific date ranges to balance to. We added custom totals to our report in Vista. Totals on all accounting reports should be standard not something you have to customize.

    • Russ Boisvert commented
      March 03, 2021 17:32

      Ideally there could be a cutoff date in the pay period for this report, similar to what there is for the GL accrual - then the report could pro-rate part of the deductions and liabilities on the report in one month and the remainder in the following month. That way any kind of correction in a post date before the cutoff, made after the cutoff date, gets pushed into the following month as well and the reconciliation between payroll records versus union benefit report would essentially balance out between the 2 months.

    • Rosalia Robles commented
      October 02, 2020 21:34

      Yes! Agreed. This will help tremendously, especially during time of union rate/benefit increases.

    • Alan Hamoy commented
      October 02, 2020 21:12

      I agree. This is absolutely necessary. If only I could vote multiple times to get this prioritized.

    • CHRISTINA RITTER commented
      October 31, 2019 17:23

      I agree.  Viewpoint pulls the data based on the pay week, not the work date.  I could see correction entries becoming a problem though using a pay date method.   We make corrections based on work date, so if we make a correction after the dues/fringes have been paid, then what?

    • Guest commented
      September 26, 2019 16:57

      This is necessary. Our unions do pay raises in April, May and June and reporting fringes for those months is incredibly difficult because there isn't a report for day worked. We spend a lot of time manually going back to figure out which hours were worked under the old wage agreement and which ones were on the new agreement. 

    • Dawn Benko commented
      August 16, 2018 17:14

      This is especially difficult during raise time for the unions. 

    • Dan Jatis commented
      August 16, 2018 14:01

      Please create this canned report.   My staff spends way too much time compiling this information manually and we cannot generate what we need through custom crystal reports.   I agree with most all the comments below.

    • Ed Orlowsky commented
      July 10, 2018 20:41

      Yes!  It is typical for a Union to request this information.  We're going to the trouble of entering this critical information and it only makes sense to retain it so we can report it when needed.

    • Christopher Bonnell commented
      July 10, 2018 19:23

      The real issue is that the you cannot get the liabilities such as pension, health & welfare, etc. by day.

    • Christopher Bonnell commented
      July 10, 2018 18:06

      The reports in Vista cannot be customized to run by day due to Vista does not save payroll information by day.  It would be helpful if Vista would include the Actual/Posted date in the PRDT table so that the PR Craft Reports (Selective and Full Detail) could be customized for customers that would like to be more accurate with their union reporting.  The inability to run this by date creates additional time and work in order to avoid overpaying benefits and fringes.  This information should be readily available on the report without creating this additional work.

    • Gene Fandel commented
      July 20, 2017 16:29

      Our contract say we must pay the employees weekly on Friday with no more than 3 days hold back. never does the contact specifically say that the benefits must be paid by the calendar month.  

    • Gene Fandel commented
      July 20, 2017 16:03

      Our employees also would rather have it by weekend since the report then match there check stubs. This is something the union doesn't understand. The employees would never be able to figure out if their benefit hours we paid correctly, because the only thing they have to compare to is their check stubs.

    • Gene Fandel commented
      July 20, 2017 15:59

      Yes, some times the unions have complained some about that, but we and nearly all companies report by weekEnd.  Some times the union auditors complain, but the union have never been able to enforce the calendar month procedure. I just tell them every month has either 4 or 5 weeks in a month. They have always accepted that.

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