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Remove the Change Status button from AP Unapproved Invoice entry

We enter 1,000 + invoices a month that go through an approval process. Once it goes into the approvers queue they may make changes etc. If at some point they leave it can kick it into Not Ready status thus taking it out of their queue. It disappears. Then it is up to me to go through ALL the invoices to see which ones are Not Ready and change them to Ready or fix. Keep in mind that some invoices that I enter are having the status as Not Ready for reasons I have no idea. This is a waste of time and defeats the purpose of it being in the approvers queue.  I am wasting a lot of time on this for no reason.

  • Guest
  • Nov 14 2017
  • Will not implement
Company Woda Construction
Job Title / Role Accounts Payable
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Guest commented
      October 04, 2019 23:34

      I agree, it would be so nice to "disable" this feature since for us it creates a hassle and causes invoices to go into a "not ready status limbo land".   

    • Guest commented
      August 28, 2018 16:46

      Agree with all comments.  This is a thorn in my side tool not useful for our company.  Adds a step that I did not have to do before.

    • Guest commented
      June 28, 2018 14:56

      it should be an optional feature. It waste so much time.

    • Paul Leerentveld commented
      May 18, 2018 00:21

      There needs to be separate options in the AP Company Parameters to control this new function. E.g. we need invoices to be made ready even if the header and lines don't equal as the approvers make these adjustments. We can disable the option "Require Invoice total to equal sum of all lines" which then changes the minimum requirements for the status change but then this change allows invoices to be posted that do not equal which we can't have. Having seperate options just for this function would solve these issues as each customer could dictate what their minimum requirements are for this status change function without disabling the function totally. 

    • Admin
      Greg Sikes commented
      April 02, 2018 21:36

      Will look to improve but not remove Change Status button

    • Guest commented
      February 20, 2018 22:05

      Really need the option in AP Company Parameters to turn this "feature" off.

    • ANGELA WELLS commented
      January 10, 2018 17:09

      I agree! It needs to go or have an option to enable it for the companies that want to use it. I also enter in 1000+ a month. It adds on way more time for me entering because I have to delete the bottom part of entering in order to allow the status to change to "Ready" to show in the reviewer's queue. I like to be able to enter in the PO information for my reference and for the reviewers that look at that information and it show in their queue when there is not enough in the PO, but it wont let me! I have to delete my entering in the bottom section!

    • Guest commented
      December 20, 2017 20:49

      I agree please fix this!!!

    • Andre Ferreira commented
      November 14, 2017 22:04

      To save some time, go to the grid, enable the filter bar, and in the Invoice Status field Type 0.

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