Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Add effective dates to easily allow for pay rate changes

Many of our franchises have technicians who receive planned payrate changes during the course of the year and they always occur mid payweek.  Currently we can only have one payrate so when we have a payrate change we can either update the rate to the new rate,and have it apply to all lines or leave the old rate and manually update each  line for the new rate. In the service world, that can be multiple lines per day for one technician.  Typically the decision is determined based on the number of days that will get applied for the new rate. if you are a union shop there could be multiple technician that have a payrate  change the this issues just become bigger

It's critical to be able to add an effective date with the new rate that would then support the system to look to the transaction date on the labor lines and apply the correct rate when processing payroll. This would alleviate a ton of extra work and errors that occur today because of a manual process. We have several union shops that have several technicians that have payrate changes at the same time and this enhancement would be a huge time saver.

  • liz heisel
  • Jun 1 2018
  • Likely but not yet planned
Company ABM
Job Title / Role Dir. Support and Implementation
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Peter Gaynor commented
      August 30, 2021 16:55

      This feature is much needed as we have many union employees receiving mid week pay rate changes. Currently, if time is submitted and rate changes happen midweek, our payroll department has to go into each line item for each employee and update the rate. This could be hundreds of employees with multiple lines needing updated. Also, updating the effective date in the PR Craft Master does not update existing line items in PR Timecard Entry.

    • Andre Ferreira commented
      June 04, 2018 21:26

      This does it exist. It's in PR Craft Master under effective date. You can only do it per craft. Not class.

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