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"Update Open WO" button/process to reflect site ownership change

Currently each WO is tied to a SITE and a CUSTOMER. But if you then change the SITE to a different customer (from SM Service Sites), there is no way to retroactively correct the WO to reflect the correct owner. Even if the WO is open and brand new!

I'm not talking about just the 'Bill To' field in the scope (that is editable). I'm talking about the grayed out field at the top of the WO.

Why does this matter?

Say the dispatcher creates a new customer, new site, and makes a new work order. Then it is discovered that we already have that customer in our system, so we need to delete the new (dupe) customer.

a) First change the new site to connect to the correct customer (works great).

b) Now, how do we delete the new (dupe) customer, without wiping out the WO?

Beyond that, sometimes we simply want the WO to reflect the correct customer, but are unable to make the change at the top of the WO, which means that any new scopes added to the WO also get the wrong "bill to" by default.

Why does the "Customer" field exist in the WO?

Answer: ..... not sure, as each site only has one 'customer/owner' anyway, it could be a "COMPUTED COLUMN" field, display only, that always references the site's customer/owner.

Best route forward: As there have been multiple wishes to have the ability for a site to have multiple customers related to it, I would humbly suggest that this "customer" column in the SM WO become a "Default BillTo Customer" field which defaults to the site's primary customer, and from then on out is editable.


  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Jan 8 2020
Company A-1 Plumbing
Job Title / Role Developer
I need it... 1 month
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    • Veronica Healey commented
      January 24, 2020 13:32

      Actually in the duplicate use-case above, we would not want to keep any of the duplicated information. Including the site. If a feature would permit us to modify all the information at the top we could correct the entry error prior to billing and then remove the duplicated data safely without worrying about any dependencies. 

      Right now, we use the alternate bill-to as a work around then deactivate the duplicates but this is very inelegant. 

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