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Add Effective Date to PR Craft Template

Adding the Effective Date to the PR Craft Template is an absolute must for it to work correctly. We are utilizing the old and new rates constantly within the Ded/Lia tab and currently there is nothing that tells the system when to use the old rate and what to use the new rate. Without this it's causing a ton of errors when the system calculates everything and a ton of manual work. When deductions don't calculate properly it's an absolute nightmare The override effective date box does nothing since that only effects the Craft Master. We need a separate effective date within the PR Craft Template itself. It's a must, I've had multiple calls with support regarding this and every time they agree. Please Please add this to make my life and anyone utilizing this template's live easier.

  • Guest
  • May 29 2020
  • Already exists
Company Avalotis Corporation
Job Title / Role Payroll/HR
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Admin
      Natallia Prokin commented
      March 30, 2023 20:35

      You are correct, this will override the effective date set at the craft level for the selected craft and template, here is another view of it at the template level in PR Templates form. The form allows you to have different effective dates for different crafts associated with the same template, if necessary, a sample is attached.

    • Guest commented
      March 30, 2023 17:08

      The box you highlighted has nothing to do with the template itself.
      That box overrides the Craft Master dates which is even worse.��
      On Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 12:53:43 PM EDT, Viewpoint (Natallia Prokin) wrote:

      #yiv7103691433 a {text-decoration:none;}@media only screen and (min-width:600px) {#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433mj-column-per-100{width:100% !important;max-width:100%;}}#yiv7103691433 a:hover{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 a:active{color:#5ca5e0;}#yiv7103691433 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 h1 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 h2 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 h3 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 h4 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 h5 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 h6 a:visited{color:#0073cf;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433normal:hover{color:#666;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433normal:active{color:#666;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433normal:visited{color:#666;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433secondary:hover{color:#b5b5b5;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433secondary:active{color:#b5b5b5;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433secondary:visited{color:#b5b5b5;}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}#yiv7103691433 filtered {}@media only screen and (max-width:540px) {#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433inline-for-medium{display:block !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-medium{text-align:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-medium>table{float:none !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433show-for-medium{display:none !important;width:0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433hide-for-medium{display:block !important;width:auto !important;overflow:visible !important;max-height:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433show-for-small{display:block !important;width:auto !important;overflow:visible !important;max-height:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 table.yiv7103691433hide-for-medium{display:table !important;}#yiv7103691433 td.yiv7103691433hide-for-medium{display:table-cell !important;}#yiv7103691433 th.yiv7103691433hide-for-medium{display:table-cell !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433inline-for-medium{display:block !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-medium{text-align:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-medium>table{float:none !important;}#yiv7103691433 h1{font-size:26px;}#yiv7103691433 h2{font-size:24px;}#yiv7103691433 h3{font-size:18px;}#yiv7103691433 h4{font-size:16px;}}@media only screen and (max-width:600px) {#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433inline-for-large{display:block !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-large{text-align:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-large>table{float:none !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433wrapper--radius>table{border-collapse:collapse !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433wrapper--radius>table>tbody>tr>td{border-radius:0 !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433show-for-large{display:none !important;width:0;overflow:hidden;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433hide-for-large{display:block !important;width:auto !important;overflow:visible !important;max-height:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 br.yiv7103691433hide-for-large{display:inline !important;}#yiv7103691433 table.yiv7103691433hide-for-large{display:table !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 td.yiv7103691433hide-for-large{display:table-cell !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 th.yiv7103691433hide-for-large{display:table-cell !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433inline-for-large{display:block !important;width:100% !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-large{text-align:inherit !important;}#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433align-right-for-large>table{float:none !important;}}@media screen and (max-width:540px) {#yiv7103691433 .yiv7103691433divider--show-for-small{display:block !important;}}

    • Admin
      Natallia Prokin commented
      March 30, 2023 16:57

      PR Craft Templates form always came with ability to set an effective date that drives old and new dates for earnings, deductions and liabilities, see attached screenshot

    • Guest commented
      July 08, 2020 19:09

      Please add ASAP, this template can not be utilized correctly without an effective date within the template itself. The old and new rates cannot calculate correctly on the DED/LIAB tab without it.

    • Guest commented
      July 07, 2020 18:01

      Please add a must when updating rates yearly. Without this nothing calculates correctly within the PR Craft Template.

    • Guest commented
      July 07, 2020 17:56

      We need an effective date to utilize old and new rates that update yearly, please add as soon as possible. Thank you.

    • Guest commented
      June 18, 2020 19:12

      Please add this this is very much needed for this template to work properly.

    • Guest commented
      June 17, 2020 18:54

      Please add, much needed.

    • Guest commented
      June 04, 2020 17:10

      Please add this, this would really help us out too! Similar issues every time we update rates!

    • Guest commented
      June 04, 2020 16:59

      This would be a significant improvement that would help tremendously!

    • Guest commented
      May 29, 2020 18:13

      This would make my life so much easier I can't believe it hasn't been added to the PR Craft Template yet.

    • Guest commented
      May 29, 2020 18:12

      Absolute must please add ASAP

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