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Custom Form Buttons: Add "Type" URL

Being able to create a button to launch a URL with arguments from parameters would be awesome!

Addition to VA Custom Form Buttons [Info]

  • Add "URL-Get" to Type dropdown

Setup in [Info] tab

  • Action field would contain BASE URL (

Setup in [Parameters] tab

  • For each row, the Name would be the name of the parameter (q)

  • ...The 'Default Value' would be the value passed to the parameter.

How it would work

  • User clicks custom button in a form

  • Viewpoint CREATES URL by

    • Starting with the BASE URL in the action field

    • Optionally appending a / if not present at end of action field.

    • appending a ?

    • appending the Name data

    • appending a =

    • appending the DefaultValue data

    • If more rows exist, then append & and repeat last three steps for each row

    • (Example:

  • Viewpoint CREATES windows command by

    • Starting with the word start

    • appending a space

    • appending the URL created above

  • Viewpoint the RUNS the command. This will open a browser window at the URL.

  • Bonus points if Viewpoint can ESCAPE the 'DefaultValue' into a URL compatible string (I'm pretty sure .Net has a function for that).

This feels weird using Autoit to do something so basic in 2020.

Viewpoint, any chance of expanding your custom form buttons to do the above?

  • Nathan Sutherland
  • Sep 14 2020
Company Cutting Edge Plumbing
Job Title / Role Developer
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Glenn Gnabasik commented
    June 30, 2022 18:47

    Passing base url via the Parameters doesn't work based on limit of 30 characters for a fixed value.

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    September 14, 2020 19:24

    Alright, for anyone who wants to make a small AutoIt v3 script, use this code, compile, then create a custom button in Viewpoint that runs an application, and select the compiled EXE.

    Next, set the PARAMETERS in viewpoint so that the FIRST parameter is the BASE URL (no parameter name). Then the following parameters should have the NAME and VALUE bits. See attachment for example.

    Here's my AutoIt code:

    #include <Array.au3>

    ; Arguments should be like

    ; [1] BASE_URL

    ; [2] firstParameter=firstValue

    ; [3] nextParam=nextVal

    ; OUTPUT will be BASEURL?firstParameter=firstValue&nextParam=nextVal

    ; No arguments?

    If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then

    MsgBox(64, "Result", "No parameter was entered!")



    Local $sFullURL = $CmdLine[1]

    ; What do they look like?

    ; _ArrayDisplay($CmdLine)

    ; Create full URL

    For $i = 2 To $CmdLine[0] Step 1

    ; append a ? or & symbol

    If $i = 2 Then

    $sFullURL = $sFullURL & "?"


    $sFullURL = $sFullURL & "&"


    ; Append the name and value of the argument

    $sFullURL = $sFullURL & $CmdLine[$i]


    ; Display result if you'd like to debug.

    ; MsgBox(64, "Result", $sFullURL)

    ; Open Browser


    See attachment for sample PARAMETERS tab setup.

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