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Reprint prior year W2

Why was the Reprint function for W2s removed? We have several employees asking for W2 copies on a consistent basis.

  • Rapa Barsel
  • Dec 20 2021
  • Already exists
Company Total Development solutions
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Sharon Boland commented
    July 26, 2023 15:03

    Where is this located? I need to reprint 2018-2020 W2's for a legal issue.

  • Guest commented
    July 20, 2023 20:18

    Keep in mind that while we are provided with a report to reprint W2s, the data on those W2s is not accurate if you have changed your W2 data inside Aatrix for any reason. Be cautious if you reprint those W2s and expect them to match what Aatrix generated.

  • Chet Kent commented
    October 25, 2022 14:24

    I just noticed we can print all previous W2's through the portal using Paystub Tools. "Print Annual Tax Documents" For the entire company or by employee.

  • Chet Kent commented
    October 19, 2022 14:19

    Has anything been done with this yet? An auditor is asking me for prior year W2's. Yes, I know employees can access prior years through the portal. Why not allow the employer to print all the W2's for the company through the portal if they're there? Is there a way to access all earnings and not one employee at a time? Am I supposed to ask each employee to print me a copy of their W2's? Can someone help me? Yes, I have the W2 preview report but it's embarrassing that I have to explain why I don't have W2's I assumed would be accessible.

  • Seth Belt commented
    February 09, 2022 14:25

    The PRW2EmplFile.rpt file is still in our Viewpoint Repository and we had to resort to using it to print a 2019 W2 for an employee since their bank would not accept the Preview Report, either. Why not just add this back to Vista as a new report called "PR W2 Re-Print (2020 and Prior)"? It'll take just a few minutes for anyone who knows how to add custom reports to Vista to just add it back anyways.

  • Misty Harris commented
    January 21, 2022 21:52

    Just had my first bank come back and say that the W2 preview report WILL NOT WORK for lending purposes. We must be able to provide past years W2's in W2 format!!!

  • Vaughn Naber commented
    January 20, 2022 14:08

    Screen shot.

  • Vaughn Naber commented
    January 20, 2022 14:07

    We have the Portal with Vista and it saves past W-2's as a PDF for each year. Then the employee can go back in and reprint past years as needed without having to re-run them. It is a saved picture, pretty much.

    You just have to know how to get it in the Portal.

    From the Portal go to EARNINGS.

    Check the box to show W-2's. (uncheck the paystub or other boxes you don't want)

    Change the DATE FROM field. My defauled to a year. Change to 01/01/2000 for the last 20 years.

    They you should see all available PDF's for me. I am attaching a screen shot.

  • Garrett Shaw commented
    January 17, 2022 23:44

    The W2 Preview report is not an acceptable alternative for a prior year W2 in every circumstance and it is absurd that this is the only "workaround" to access pre-Aatrix W2s. There needs to be a solution for us to access the ACTUAL W2s produced in Vista prior to Aatrix. Lawyers could have a field day with companies for not being able to produce the actual W2 and only the "preview" report instead. I saw another user point out in a support case that they get court orders to produce the actual W2 and they no longer can do so. How is this acceptable in those cases?

  • Guest commented
    January 07, 2022 15:22

    This is beyond ridiculous to not have access to our information.

  • Rapa Barsel commented
    December 29, 2021 20:31

    Gary, I understand the preview report "should" be acceptable, but in some instances it may not be. Additionally, I'm not sure why Vista continued to say reprinting Prior year would still be available and why it is not is beyond me. I assume Aatrix would not be able to provide reprints of prior years that were not done via Aatrix. We need the option of reprinting W2 formatted.

  • Scott Luman commented
    December 29, 2021 14:43

    Hello Gary. I will also state, in all of the original sales materials used to induce us to purchase Vista, fully functional tax reports and filing capabilities were included, as part of the support fee we all still pay, with no reduction. Viewpoint's unilateral decision to remove capability and force us to outsource, with no corresponding reduction in support fee is not fair, in my opinion. I understand another company may be doing the filing (but not internal reporting) better, but we need financial compensation (as reduced support fees) in exchange for reduced functionality from Vista and assuming other risks and additional fees from Aatrix. Respectfully..

  • DJ Mangus commented
    December 28, 2021 22:54

    Gary, we understand what has happend and why.

    However if the document is available through Keystyle, shouldn’t it be in DM somewhere and if so how do we access it?

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    December 28, 2021 22:34

    Vista replaced the Crystal report used to print W2s each year as part of our year-end release. We do not maintain versions from past years. Until you loaded the year-end update, or as long as the printed format remained the same as the preceding year (i.e. no Box changes) you could reprint W2s. This year's update has removed the report used to print formatted W2 - instead, we are directing you to use Aatrix for both print and eFile.

    Our W2 Preview report remains and should serve as an acceptable means of providing employees with year-end tax information when requested by a bank or other financial institution.

    Note that Aatrix supports both W2 reprint and corrections -

  • DJ Mangus commented
    December 28, 2021 19:47

    Our workaround (incredibly time consuming) is the following: If you have Keystyle, that can access copies stored in DM even though we can’t find them directly in DM.

    So we either help the employee get into the portal to access them themselves, or if they’ve opted out, use the Keystyle functionality to print to PDF for whichever year (30 at a time … gah) and then just extract the Employee’s page.

    This could all be avoided if there was an easy way to just pull out of Document Management.

  • Misty Harris commented
    December 28, 2021 19:21

    I agree with Dena McKedy - this is extremely inconvenient to not be able to access previous years W2's. I have employees contacting me all the time for copies. I understand the W2 preview report is available BUT will banks accept that as a W2 copy when the employee is applying for a home loan? or need to prove in any other regulatory situation their income and all we can provide them is a preview report??

  • Dena McKedy commented
    December 28, 2021 17:49

    This is extremely inconvenient to not be able to access prior year w-2's

  • Rapa Barsel commented
    December 28, 2021 12:55

    HI Gary, I did try that previously. The issue is the report is a summary report, it is not a W2 copy. Therefore if an employee comes to us and asks for a copy of their W2 for whatever purpose, then we are unable to give them that and I know this will cause issues with some.

  • Admin
    Gary Gilmore commented
    December 27, 2021 20:55

    Rapa - try this... open PR W-2 Process and enter the Tax Year you wish to (re)print - make sure you have the Info Tab highlighted and confirm the company information appears correct for that year. Then click on the Options menu item at the top of the form and you will see an item for Reports (it should list 3 standard reports), click on the PR W2 Preview Report and enter your report parameters. If you don't see this report from the Options menu or the PR Reports menu, it is likely a permission issue - make sure you have access to the report via VA Report Security.

    If this doesn't resolve the issue, please contact Support again - they should be able to assist.

  • Rapa Barsel commented
    December 27, 2021 20:31

    Hi Gary, I do not see a reprint option. Only the W2 summary report. There is no W2 (formatted or unformatted) print option. Please walk me through this as I did this with another Vista rep and she couldn't find it either. Thank you.

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