Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Fix the issue with PM Company Parameters - Material Parameters - 'Auto-add cost type from materials: 1 - No'.

Please update your code to make it smarter and more useful.  When a user changes a phase code on a previously saved row in PM Material Detail or PM Purchase Orders, your code should NOT automatically add a cost type to PM Project Phases if the "PM Company Parameters - Material Parameters - Auto-add cost type from materials" is set to '1-No'.

We have the "PM Company Parameters - Material Parameters - Auto-add cost type from materials:" feature set to be "1 - No". This feature works great for situations where the users are adding a new row of Material Detail or PM Purchase Orders.  The problem is that when the user goes back and edits the Non-Interfaced Material Detail, they are able to change the phase code to a phase code with a different cost type without changing the cost type on the entry screen.  When the save button is selected, the system automatically adds the wrong cost type to the phase code in PM Project Phases.  No warning, no message what-so-ever. 

To be clear, the problem only happens when the user goes back and edits a non-interfaced line in Material Detail or PM Purchase Orders that was already previously entered and saved, but not yet interfaced. At our company, we have a one to one relationship with our phase codes and cost types.  We only have certain labor phase codes, certain material phase codes, certain equipment phase codes, etc.  So when an equipment phase code gets a material cost type added to it with posted costs, it causes us a big mess.  With around 200 people using PM Purchase Orders in our company to write POs, this is actually a pretty significant problem for us.

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  • Jun 29 2019
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