Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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F3 "System Default" for fields - option to establish different defaults for each company

Presently when we use the F3 "System Overrides" to set a default value for a field, it applies to all companies.

There are several cases where having different field defaults between companies would come in handy.

For example, the default holdback on a contract can be set, however, it may be different for each company.

For another example, the default values for materials, purchasing, or equipment may be always the same for one company but different for another when using generating purchase orders (default taxes come to mind of companies between different locations).

By being able to establish different defaults depending on the company we would be able to same a lot of manual entry by establishing company-level defaults.

  • Trevor Kiers
  • Jan 14 2019
  • In Review
Company JATEC Electric Ltd
Job Title / Role Director of Systems and Process Improvement
I need it... 12 months
  • Attach files
  • Vaughn Naber commented
    November 16, 2021 16:27

    I agree whole heartedly and was about to submit this ticket myself today. We have two companies and my two CFO's use different GL's. One company wants to default the AP Payment Workfiles to his GL and the other company wants to default to their GL.

    The CHAT insisted that the overrides were already company specific but my personal testing and eventually pushing the issue got a higher up tech to agree that the overrides are NOT company specific.

    I did find some ways around it using personal overrides for one company and system overrides for the other. But it would really be nice to be able to do system overrides for each company.

    I am surprised that this only has six votes since 2019. This seems like it should be a standard request already.

  • Gene Fandel commented
    January 15, 2019 15:12

    We have run into this problem, in many real world situations.  It happens so often than we cannot actually use the system override, we always have to use the user override. By company would be a great improvement for us.  We are a general contractor, and we have related subcontractors setup as other companies that operate completely differently than we do.  We have a Mason Subcontractor, a Cabinet Company, and a Steel Erection company. 

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