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Process one employee for EFT

This would be a nice feature to have for when I have a layoff I can process one or multiple employees on a pay sequence. Right now if I have multiple employees on a pay sequence and have a layoff I have to delete the employees time on one pay sequence, and then add it to a different pay sequence.

  • Guest
  • Dec 16 2016
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Company Superior Construciton
Job Title / Role Assistant Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Ray Harrison commented
      February 07, 2019 12:49

      It would also be useful to clear one EFT without having to clear the whole batch.

    • Guest commented
      May 22, 2017 02:16

      Yes, we should be able to create a "batch" of employees. Security would assign rights to give someone the ability to create a "batch" of employees, then delete them after the timesheet, process, etc is done and the layoff checks posted. 

    • Guest commented
      January 25, 2017 13:30


      This would help out greatly while we process EFT payments.Having a filter that would sort by an employee number would be the most beneficial to our company. 

      Overall being able to process the same pay sequence in EFT payments multiple times, similar to how PR Check Print is handled, will greatly reduce time spent each week keying/uploading payroll time.



    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      January 25, 2017 00:22

      My proposal was to add one or more filters to the EFT process, similar to Check printing allowing you to restrict who would be included. 

      Possible filters might include Employee#, Check Print Order, or others suggested by users.  If fitlering was added, would it address the problem?  And if yes, what filters would be most helpful?

    • Guest commented
      December 27, 2016 22:13

      This will not help out my situation though if I need to do an EFT and not a check….


      Rory Carlson | Assistant Controller
      Superior Construction Co., Inc.
      1455 Louis Sullivan Dr. | Portage, IN 46368
      O. 219.787.0850 | F. 219.763.9998 | M. 219.781.1613 |


    • Admin
      Gary Gilmore commented
      December 27, 2016 22:05

      This can be done when paying employees by check by assigning a Check Print Order value in PR Employee Seq Control and using the selection criteria offered in PR Check Print.  This feature was added to handle mid-week lay off situations when checks need to be printed and delivered to the field ahead of normal pay period payment processing and avoid having to move existing time entries to another Pay Seq. 

      Appears that adding similar selection and filtering criteria to EFT Payment processing would meet the need.  Comments? 

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