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PR Accumulators should be based on check PAID DATE not on PE Date

When processing bonuses, you are usually thinking that the check date would control the YTD amounts. It does not. You have to make sure you use a PE Date before the current payroll PE Date. Check date does not matter. So, if you are processing a bonus on Tuesday, but haven't processed the PR ending the prior Sunday, you have to back date the bonus PE date prior to the current payroll. EVEN if you pay the bonus with a check date prior to the checks being paid the following Friday. The checks on the following Friday WILL NOT have the correct YTD amount. 2

  • Penny Francis
  • Mar 17 2023
  • Will not implement
Company Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Admin
      Natallia Prokin commented
      April 12, 2023 20:23


      PR Employee Accumulations form is meant to be a monthly summary by employee and code that is used for reporting. There are no pay period ending or check dates in there. When the data is pushed from PR Employee Pay Seq Control into PR Employee Accumulations it is using the paid date when selecting which month should be updated with given pay period totals. An employee must be paid and the PR Ledger Update must run for accumulations to be updated. Sometimes folks are working in multiple pay periods at the same time, your bonus scenario is a great example of that. All payroll processes in Vista are run by PR group and pay period ending date, this is how the software was designed, not something that we can change at this point. As part of that design it was assumed that pay periods and pay sequences are processed in the pay period date order then pay sequence order within a given pay period.

      In your example with a bonus check run, if you expect to process bonuses BEFORE the regular payroll that you are working on, the easiest and cleanest way to accomplish this would be to set up a one day pay period using ending date the day before your normal Sunday pay period ending date, process it first , then work on your normal payroll.

      If you expect to work on bonus check run AFTER you are done with regular payroll, then you can create a higher pay sequence within the same pay period or create a one day pay period ending a day AFTER your normal payroll, so your pay periods/ pay sequences are in the order you expect to process them. Check dates will kick in when accumulations are updated. Vista comes with ability to have pay period limits on deductions and liabilities, therefore we have to run payroll calculations by pay period ending date not by check date. Unfortunately, what you are asking for would go against current software design, please let me know if you have any questions using the suggested work around.

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