Submit Your Suggestions for Vista

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Need Ability to Run Vista on 4K Ultra High Res Screen with DPI Higher than 100%

As many are already aware, running Vista at a higher resolution than 1920x1080, and with dpi set higher than 100% often causes parts of the Visa application to become invisible. Unfortunately our construction company has started deploying high end CAD laptop machines, running 4K resolution displays. If we try to squeeze the resolution down to 1920x1080, the resulting images look very poor. And due to how small text and other application elements appear when running such a high resolution at 100% dpi, we have no choice but to scale up to the Microsoft Windows suggested DPI setting of 250%. I think since 4K and higher display are going to become the norm in the coming years, it would be in the best interest of Viewpoint and Viewpoint's customers, it the Vista development team started looking into a fix to the display problems the Vista application currently has when running in higher resolution and dpi modes. See attached image to see the standard display settings on new, higher end laptop computers on the market today.

  • Guest
  • Apr 4 2023
Company The Armada Group
Job Title / Role I.T. Director
I need it... 12 months
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    • Leagh Doell commented
      April 19, 2024 13:40

      Microsoft added the DPI Awareness feature to Windows 10 ver.1903 in May 2019 and 5 years later we are still waiting for software developers to catch up.

    • Guest commented
      May 03, 2023 20:17

      I ran into this issue today after working with support over2 months now on a report issue that was causing screen clipping and video corruption. I normally use 4k monitor at 150%. Their solution was to run this monitor at 1768*992 which is a standard that hasn't been used in many years. I don't think even laptops go that low resolution anymore. So I agree viewpoint needs to modernize this archaic requirement.

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