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Leave Accrual Rounding Causes Incorrect Accrual Rate

The leave accrual calculations only calculate to the hundredth place and then round, but the accrual rate is taken to the 5th decimal place.  This ends up accruing faster or slower than the rate specifies.  Take an accrual rate of 1 hour for every 30 hours as an example:


The accrual rate would be .03333

If an employee works 8 hours per day for a week the way Viewpoint currently calculates the accrual is:

8 * .03333 = .26664 then rounds to .27 accrued hours per 8 hour day.

After 5 days (40 hours) of that the total for the week is 1.35 hours accrued.


If you take 40 hours and multiply by .03333 the real accrual is 1.3332.


The difference means Viewpoint is accruing at a rate of .03375 when the actual rate is .03333.

  • Tom Szabo
  • Oct 19 2018
  • Planned
Company Stavola
Job Title / Role IT
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Ben Croft commented
      October 27, 2024 23:10

      Increasing regulatory to ensure payroll is correct implies issues such as these must be attended to. Close enough doesn't pay people correctly and erodes confidence in the system.

    • Admin
      Natallia Prokin commented
      November 10, 2023 23:10

      Accrual rates are set to 5 decimal places to allow for more flexibility, but when the accruals are recorded we are accruing hours, and the data type for hour fields is set in Viewpoint as a number with 2 decimal places to keep usage and accruals consistent. When usage is recorded it comes in as hours from time entry as a numerical value with 2 decimal places.

      To help customers control accrual amounts better when it comes to rounding, accrual limits can be a great tool. In the example above with accrual rate of 0.03333 and the desired accrual outcome of 1.33 per week, we can apply a weekly accrual limit of 1.33 with a weekly frequency using accrual limit 1, and if you are dealing with an additional annual accrual limit, it can be captured using accrual limit 2.

    • Scott Luman commented
      February 06, 2023 19:36

      I agree with Tom also. The inaccuracy of 2 decimal places compounded over a minimum of 250 entries (5 days x 50 weeks) per year is unacceptable. All of the Leave Accrual fields and processes should be accurate out to 4 decimal places at least. Ours is dropping .002 on all 8 hours days for our employees in our main union local. Or 0.7 days of leave lost per employee per year. They have noticed. I need this fixed asap.

    • Darrell Robinson commented
      October 25, 2018 19:37

      I agree with Tom, the calculation should be to the # of digits allowed in the Accrual set-up.  Also, the report PR Employee Leave Accrual/Usage Setup, will round the Accrual number.  For example, one of our rates is .07692, but on the report it is listed as .080000.

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