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Add a better and more flexible report writer than crystal reports.

Any data entered into Vista should be able to be extracted in a report format. Crystal reports is not user friendly. Utilizing ODBC tables and Excel is useful but knowing what table to use can sometimes be difficult. Going through CHAT for assistance in finding what table to use does not work as they have no idea what I am talking about. Going through an annual audit and supplying the information in the format needed has been cumbersome.  Having utilized Maxwell Systems Management Suite  for 20 years and Deltek's Cost point for several years, Vista's report writing capabilities are severely lacking.

  • Guest
  • Mar 15 2018
Company Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.
Job Title / Role Controller
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    February 13, 2023 23:01

    Yes, SSRS. There might be better ones out there, but SSRS comes built into STANDARD MSSQL licenses. (If you want data-driven subscriptions, you'll need ENTERPRISE licenses though).

    If anyone knows of a reporting platform that's the same cost as SSRS, with a similar feature set and allows data-driven subscriptions, chime in!

    (Yes, I have a couple procedures that emulate the data-driven subscription part for SSRS, but that's always prone to some MS update down the road changing things and breaking it)

  • Scott Butterfield commented
    July 29, 2022 11:33

    Does anyone have recomendations for a 3rd party reporting platform?

  • Mick Whelan commented
    September 11, 2019 20:35

    You can use any report writing tool you want.  Everything is in your SQL server and fully accessible, even user defined fields.   Crystal is/has been the industry standard for a long time.   I get that finding data can be tricky, but the F3 trick Andre mentioned works like a charm to get you started.   Also, in the Downloads section on Clearview, they publish database diagrams showing how the various tables fit together.   Nathan's comment on SSRS is also valid.   Users can access these reports from Vista or any web browser.  Good Luck!

  • Nathan Sutherland commented
    October 17, 2018 17:31

    Have you looked into SSRS at all? True you still need to know the table names, but it is a lot easier to actually make the report than in Crystal (in my experience).

  • Gene Fandel commented
    March 22, 2018 15:51

    if you google business report writers - there are thousands of them. Which is best? No one knows.  Generally they all have a large learning curve, but if you put in the time you can make anything you need using Crystal. We (old Clients of Viewpoint) known how to use Crystal. Join a users group if you need help.

  • Andre Ferreira commented
    March 17, 2018 06:07

    In terms of which tables to use. On any form press F3 and it says on the top right e.g. "View: HRRM" then you can go into the child table and press F3 and so on.

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